
I am 14. I noticed that I have some hair between my two eyebrows.I don't know how to remove it.?

by Guest10686  |  earlier

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How can I remove it?




  1. For your first time, wax.

    After that, pluck. Use the first time you waxed as guidelines on where to pluck. Ask the lady that waxes them for you, because she would know best if anyone.

    Because you have one set of eyebrows & if you s***w up now, they won't grow back - so keep safe.

  2. Pluck it, or use VICHY it doesnt hurt and it works, leave it for 5 minutes then take it off and the hairs gone, You'll find it in pharmacies

  3. Go to a salon and have someone tweeze or wax.

  4. plucking is the best way ! Do it after a shower when you pores will be open, it is less painful


    Use tweezers, or a wax occasionally.  

  6. Pluck them

    But don't overpluck!

  7. Tweezers a cheap option but hurt when you first start so you may want to go to  salon and get your eyebrows waxed.  This is quicker and not as painful, and should cost between £7 and £15.

  8. use tweezers or you can wax them

  9. I have the same problem and im 15.

    I tweeze them..with tweezers. I gets the hair out from the root. It may sting at first...but you get used to it!

    My mother has this little cutter..(i'll find a picture) It cutz the hair..but not by the root. You dont feel anything.

    Good luck!

  10. You can buy a pair of pluckers from boots or superdrug, their not expensive, and just simply pluck them. It helps if you wet it with warm water first as it dosnt hurt so much.

    You could use hair removal cream, also cheap but not very safe as its close to your eyes, and this usually works for wide patches of hair.

    Lastly you could shave, but I wouldnt advise this because it grows back a lot harrier and thicker.

  11. go to a salon and get them waxed it cost me a fiver so not alot

    they can also shaoe your eyebrows for no extra cost

    or you can pluck them with tweezers

    but that hurts more because you have to keep doing it where as when you wax all the hairs come out at once

    you could wax them at home with facial waxing strips

    if you keep plucking them you get used to the pain and its just a regualar thing

  12. HEy!

    im 14 too.


    wheb i was like 12 or 13 i finally got my eyebrows waxed.Because i had little hairs between my eyebrows and there were a little bushy.


    its soooooo worth it. and your eyebrows end up looking great it hurts the first time but its so much better than plucking because its a quicker pain.

    And a couple of minutes after the wax ,your eyebrows might be a little red and they might sting.


    good luckk =)

  13. Pluck them.

    But don't pluck on top of the actual eyebrow ever as this gives your shape.

  14. tweeze or wax. both hurt if you've never had it done before, but i'd recommend wax because you get it off much quicker and it takes longer to grow back.

  15. pluck it with some tweezers or if u want go to a beauty salon and have ur eyebrows done properly and they will remove the unwanted hair too .

  16. pluck it with some tweezers :) might hurt a little but it'll be worth it

    or get it waxed professionally, don't shave it whatever you do aha


  17. Pluck   =D

    But Hold A Warm Flannel Over The Hairs Your Going To Pluck For A Few Minutes , This Will Open The Pores making The Hairs Easier To Pull Out

    If Half Way Through You Feel This Is Not Working Just Smooth Some Cream Over The Top ,,This Mill make The Hairs Slide Out  Smoothly ,, I Usually Just Use Hand Cream    Does The Job   =D

    If Anyone Say's Use An Ice-cube Because It Numbs It ,, Guess What That Is Complete Rubbish All it Does Is Tightens the Pores Making The Hairs Harder to pull out causing more pain !!!!!

    REMEMBER : Don't Over Pluck , Because This May result In You having A Massive Space In between Your Eyebrows !!!!!!

    Good Luck   =) x

  18. try plucking it. or maybe go to a salon/beauty parlor and ask the beautician to pluck it for you they will know how to make it perfect

  19. wax it off or puck it w/ some tweezers.  You can get it waxed at nail salon, or get tweezers at any drugstore i think. :)

  20. Pluck them with tweezers, since you can take the whole hair out, not just the surface. That way, it will take longer to grow back.

  21. you can either do it yourself with tweezers or go to a salon and get them plucked or waxed

  22. start getting your eyebrows waxed hunny?

  23. well get some tweezers and pull them off!!! :P when your a little older you can have it lasered and theyll never grow there again!!

    its natural :P everyones gets at least a bit!! so dont worry!!

  24. Use tweezers, or some people shave it, which works if you wanna do it every few days.  Tweezing the hair out is better.

  25. Get tweezers and pluck it. My mate tried to shave, but shaved half her eyebrow off lol :s

    May sting tiniest bit first time, u'll get used to it

    Good luck :p


  26. i did this the other month and haven't had to to it again since, get one of your dads razors and carefully chop off all of the hair in between your eyebrows trust me you wont have to do it again for ages and it doesn't hurt like waxing it does!

  27. tweezers

  28. go to a salon to get them waxed.  or you could save a few $$$$ by plucking.  it only costs about 10 bucks to wax.

  29. pluck (tweezers)

  30. tweezers pluck pluck pluck

  31. you can either pluck it with eye brow tweezers, - you'll start using these soon anyway to keep your eyebrows neet.

    or wax it with waxing strips.  

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