
I am 14 and I would love to volunteer over the summer??

by  |  earlier

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I am pretty young.Where are places I can volunteer??

that is age appropriate for me?

where ever i check, i must be 16. I want to work at a museum or something, but i am too young!

if i were to volunteer at a church, what would I be doing?





  1. A nursing home is in dire need of visitors to the residents. So many are just left and never receive visitors. They love for young people to come. Read to them, talk to them, etc. Most important, listen to them. You will hear some fantastic stories of years past, the way the world world was 80 years ago or more.  If you do this it will be a memory for  you forever.

  2. well you could call your local childrens hospital and ask if you could read the kids books like once a week for an hour. they usually are really cool with that stuff. Also as other people were saying people in retirement are just left there by people and rarely to never get visited and a visit from someone to just talk is really uplifiting. Also if there is a company near you that works with people that are both physically and mentally disabled you could volunteer. they usually have things like bingo, bowling nights and you help the people who cannot do it themselves. good job to you.

  3. well

    i kno it sounds old fashion

    but im 13

    and i work at a retirment home

    on holidays i help serve food and drinks

    i call bingo  numbers, i help the around the place

    it actually really fun and they love kids around to talk

    just google "retirement homes (your zip code)" and call some

  4. Good for you! Volunteer experience is a really great way to build up references and to find out what you really enjoy doing. Fourteen is young, but there are opportunities. Playground leaders have to be 16, but playground assistants can be 14. Many hospitals will accept young volunteers in their candy stripe programs. And there are care homes and senior centers who would be happy to have a 14-year old come in an just visit with some of their seniors, or take part in some of the programs.

  5. My daughter has been volunteering at our local no-kill animal shelter for several years now and she's only 13.  She walks the dogs, bathes them, feeds them, brushes and feeds the cats and plays with them.  She goes in once a week because she's involved with other things, but she could go in more if she wanted to.

  6. you could always volunteer at your church. coming from my experience, I find it very rewarding because the little children I take care of and teach are very sweet and it is a blessing to work with them. they are so happy, so innocent, and I would highly recommend this volunteer job to all.

  7. Start networking.  Ask around with the adults that know you and know your work ethic and standards.  Ask if they need any volunteer help at their businesses.  Or - just start cleaning up and doing yard work, pet care etc for your neighbors

  8. That's REALLY sweet you want to volunteer. I have the most utmost respect for those who like to volunteer or do for others out of the true kindness of their hearts.

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