
I am 14 and i do not have any arm pit hair but im starting to get stomach and chest hair is this normal

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I am 14 and i do not have any arm pit hair but im starting to get stomach and chest hair is this normal




  1. No!! You are a yeti

    Consult your local vet

  2. People develop at different rates. Arm pit hair is inevitable, so it will get there. Usually you get it first, then chest and stomach hair, but it's a little different for every guy. I'd say it'll come in with the next few months. Puberty is a son of a gun, so don't rush it. When you have a 5 o'clock shadow at noon, you'll wish you didn't have body hair at all.

  3. Yeah thats normal, i got arm pit hair when i was 15! i don't mind it, but i do mind my stomach hair and chest hair... i hate it lol :(

  4. Well, I'm 14 too and have arm pit hair and a little bit of stomach hair at the bottom (in a kind of straght line from my pubes) So ya pretty normal

  5. when i was 14 i had armpit hair and leg hair but i dont remember having chest hair i think i got it at age 15 and im still 15...I also got pubes at age 13

  6. yah, i have the same thing as you... it'll start to grow, eventually.

  7. IM  23 but i dont have much hair on my armpits! at ur age? dats too normanl. and who the h**l cares if you dont have it? it will not hieghten ur sexuality dude.

  8. i know whatcha mean man same here im 14 too!

  9. Yes its perfectly fine all people develope at different times and rates.


  10. Some get stomach and chest hair, and some don't, at least not for a while. But armpit (axillary) hair usually doesn't show up until 14-16, regardless of other physical development.  You're fine, be patient.

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