
I am 14 and i want to be a paranormal investigator.?

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What kind of training do i need? and do i have to go to school?




  1. try here

  2. You will go to school, and you should grow out of it.

  3. You should finish up school and does this type of stuff once you are older.

    Till then, you should read books about this topic till you go out into the field.

  4. Don't bother it doesn't pay well, actually it doesn't pay anything unless someone hires you to investigate. At 14 you still have the world before you, so stay at school and learn something useful, like a nurse or doctor, that will give you a good job and contribute to society.

  5. Find your local paranormal investigators and ask to volunteer.  

  6. The only person who's not on TV who actually gets paid to do this is Joe Nickel, who works for CSICOP.  There are no (real) paranormal investigator classes.  You can certainly do it if you want, but don't expect anyone to pay you for it.  What you could do is get a science degree and become a researcher - and then research whatever you want.  A research degree is a PhD, and it takes anywhere from 8-12 years of college to earn one.  Learning how to do research, learning what's already been done, and learning how to do science can take a long time and a lot of commitment, but that's what's necessary to be an actual researcher.

    Or like the other people said, you can just call yourself one and go around waving a tape recorder like the guys on TV.  But don't expect any actual researchers to take you seriously.  :)

  7. Hello, Ashlynn Nicole!  (Love the name, btw.)

    I'm Veronique, Co-Host of Hot ParaTalk Radio, you do need training, but you do not have to go to school to become a ghost hunter.  Ghost hunting is considered a hobby, like skateboarding or playing chess. I noticed you said you are fourteen years old.  I personally believe this is a young age for investigating the paranormal, however, if you are sensitive (see, hear, speak to the dead) it can be possible.

    In Corpus Christi, Texas there's an old theater where performers such as Willie Nelson, Metallica, just to name a few, have played.  There is a paranormal group who let's the public ghost hunt with them in the theater!  Something I think you'll be interested in.  You can use their equipment: EMF readers, parabolic mics, digital recorders, flashlights.  For more information visit:

    If you ever want to learn more about the paranormal, feel free to e-mail me at  And Ashlynn, never investigate alone.



    Hot ParaTalk Radio

    Every Mon. Night 9pm CST

  8. Tried my hand at it as well...

    Didn't have any specific training (none exists, um, how does one train for something that no one is sure even exists?)

    Critical thinking, philosophy, scientific understanding... these things are important. In every "case" I looked into, I needed no equipment, the "experiences" were all pretty easily attributed to human error (misperceptions, imagination, confirmation biases - basic errors in reasoning that we are all prone to along with a haltinig of investigating all possible causes)

    I suggest reading Carl Sagan's "Demon Haunted World" and Michael Shermer's "Why People Believe Weird Things" and "How We Believe" for starters.

  9. Perhaps a degree in physics will better enable you to understand the use of various techniques for mechanical paranormal sensing. Besides a degree is always a nice thing to fall back on when being a paranormal investigator does not pay the bills.

  10. What I would suggest to you is to first pick up the book 'The Ghost Hunter's Guidebook' by Troy Taylor. It is an excellent reference that will teach you everything you need to start learning about paranormal research. The second thing is be a skeptic, not a debunker. This means that you go into all investigations with an open mind, but don't believe everything you hear and don't disbelieve it. Third, I would get some practice in. Get permission (because you always must) to go to a cemetery and do some practice investigations there. Then, apply to be part of a paranormal investigations group and if there aren't any in your area and you above the age of 18, start your own.

    Good Luck!

  11. You can't be a paranormal investigator full time because it's not a well-paid job, unless you're the guys on SciFi channel (and they have regular full time jobs too, they're plumbers I think).

    Someone somewhere probably has training courses, but that's just how to use the equipment and how to tell if something is real or just nature. There are no schools for paranormal education because it's not a generally accepted "truth".

    Everybody knows and agrees that human beings have hearts, so we have cardiologists. But not everyone feels that ghosts and whatnot are real, so there's not a high demand for investigators.

    Try finding something else you're really interested in, and keep this hobby as a side. Go to college and become a lawyer or veternarian or something else, and do this on the weekends lol! I work fulltime at an engineering firm but come fall I'm going to take a weekend trip to some haunted cemeteries in New Hampshire and take pictures and such.

    Find something that will pay well and give you the lifestyle that you want. For now and the near future, paranormal investigation isn't a high demand.

    Good luck, I hope this helps!

  12. to be honest ghosts do not exit don't bother even trying. stay in school to be something else.

  13. There are several specific areas of training you'll need:

    -How to live in a van by the river

    -How to prepare and reheat food found in a dumpster

    -How to determine the color of a person's aura and what that color means about the person's personality.

    -How to navigate the federal welfare system

  14. It's your life, but I recommend that you get a real career, and just do paranormal investigating as a hobby.

  15. don't do it. go to school  find something you love. . I know it looks cool on t.v But you can't live on it.  

  16. Yep when I was young I wanted to be an architect however I soon grew out of it. You will too when you grow up.

    It is nice to live in a world of make believe from time to time but please do not think that there can be a career from it.

    Always remember this:

    "Just because you have the best garden in street, does not mean there are fairies at the bottom of it!"


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