
I am 14 and pregnet what do i do ?

by  |  earlier

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okay i am a 14 year old girl and i am pregnet. and i have no clue how to tell my mom and here is the worst part the dad of my baby is Black and i am white and my whole family hates that i am white and date black people i dont know why but they are way cuter than white boys. and i just need some help to break the ice . please help me




  1. Tell your mom you need to talk to her and pull her in to a room with nobody else in it and tell her.

  2. well its not going to be easy i can you tell you this for nothing.

    what are you doing having s*x anyways??

    you're only 14. you should be having fun with your girlfriends and concentrating on your studying..

    theres no easy way to do this.

    just go and tell your mum or someone in your family that you trust...

    by the way does the father of the baby know? and is he supporting you????

  3. Why would you say the worst part is "the father is BLACK" How rude...

    Wouldnt the worst part be that you are 14 and pregnant?    

  4. You really need to sit down with your parents and tell them the truth. Gosh 14 and pregnant! What is this world coming to? Your parents are going to be really mad, especially if they do not like your boyfriend! I'm not sure there is really a way to "break the ice" here. Good luck your gonna need it!

  5. ok first of all, i hate  racism, it just doesnt fly with me. i have spanish, black, white, asian etc friends and there is nothing wrong with them, they are as good as anyone else.

    second of all, im sorry honey but there is no sugar coating this, you just have to come flat out and tell your mum that you are pregnant. that is the only way. if i could id hold your hand thru it, but now, you can not look at yourself as a 14 year old kid- you have to look at urself as an adult who is on her way to being a parent, and be mature and responsible about it. so for you, the babys father, and especially the baby, tell your mom, and dont wait too long to do it. good luck

  6. 0mg i know what your goin thro cause im 15 and pregnant and my whole fam no now but i was scared 2 tell my mom so i told some one who i trust 2 call my mom and tell her and she cried but now she planin on what 2 get the baby so u can try that 2? *hope i Helped!?*

  7. Do you want to be pregnant?  There's no easy answer to that, but you don't have to stay pregnant, even if you are.

    Again, it's not an easy answer kind of thing, but you do have options.  

    And if you decide to stay pregnant you have options there too.  

    If you decide that you do want to stay pregnant and you do want to keep the baby, you might find helpful.

  8. i think you should just sit her down and tell her. his color should not matter the child is what is important and if your family is so narrow mined that they cant see past color then i feel sorry for them

  9. Is he still with you? As long as he's a good boyfriend and dad then it doesn't matter what color he is your parents should see that and be happy he's in yours and the baby's life. I would tell your mom soon so she can get over the shock and help you enjoy the joy of pregnancy.  

  10. Well first all you are young I wish you the best.....Next you need to tell your parents as soon as possilbe you need to go to the ckinic and get your check ups....Look you choice who to be with the color dont matter so just tell them there your parents they will always be there for you no matter what....good luck to you guys  

  11. The best way to tell your mom is to just come out and say it.

  12. talk to your parents

    talk about your options

    it would help if the father was there too

    wish you luck

    if yall dont choose to have the baby

    try adoption

    another couple out there who cant have a baby would really want one

  13. How are you "dating" at 14?  I wasn't allowed out alone with boys until 16.

    Anyway, you have to just get the courage up and tell them.  Time will tell soon enough anyway.  You may be surprised how supportive your family can be when you really need them.  

    You may want to consider looking into adoption if you aren't able to keep your baby.  

  14. PREGNANT***

    thats how you spell it.

    uhhmm thats a rough one your still a baby yourself..

    i think you should consider adoption.

    you still have a lot of teenage years to live up too.

    but if you keep the baby thats good too.

    you need to tell your mom sooner or later.

    && she will get over the part that hes black.

    trust me she will love that baby no matter what.

    :) good luck

  15. it's just going to come down to you picking a time when your parents are relaxed and in a good mood and sitting down to tell them. Unfortunately you have to expect them to react big...but it will pass...Discuss it like an adult and keep your cool, as well. It is time to grow up now, and facing reality and your parents is a part of growing up.

  16. I would just tell your mom your pregnant, and after she gets used to the idea tell her about the race issue

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