
I am 14 and started running 5 days ago how many days a week should i run...?

by Guest62292  |  earlier

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i ran 2 days this past week because i was busy but i want to run at least 4 days this week. actually tomorrow is one of them. i did just start running so how much should i run a day. how do i keep motivated and how do i keep my mind off of the fact that i cant breath.




  1. you should start out running every other day.

    i'm also 14 and i run 6 days a week, which includes a 2 mile race on saturdays with my running club. i hate running with a parter, cuz i  feel like i'm running way to fast for my partner. so instead of running with a partner, i listen to  my iPod, and daydream.

  2. 4 to 5 days a week  then build up to six.  always take one day a week off for a break.

  3. You didn't mention whether you have ever jogged before or not. You can jog for  3 or 4 times a week for 30 min as a start, but if you already did that in the past then you should go ahead and run twice a week  for 30 min until you get in good shape.Then you can add the time as you feel comfortable with your breathing, if you feel that you can't breath then you have a problem,  you're working very hard, then you must  jog instead.

    For motivation, you can go and watch, people running in marathon, and   If you prepare yourself then you can  participate too.

  4. if you are going to be dedicated to this i would say around 6 days

  5. i have same problem.

    i run 5 times a week.

    3 of the days is with somebody.

    if you are on a treadmill, stay motivated by taping a pic of a hot outfit that you wouldnt look great in, but will if you run. or jennifer aniston, she is toned from running.

    if you are running in a neighborhood, at the end of your run, have something to treat yourself, like a smoothie, or something healthy but delicious.

  6. The problem with most people is they try and do too much, too soon.  They start out super motivated, but then lose interest when they become sore or worse end up with a real injury.  Running requires a LOT of pounding and puts a lot of stress on your body (your muscles, ligaments, joints).  Your body WILL adapt to the stress of running, but it takes time.

    I would suggest that a new runner start out by running no more than every other day.  You can gradually increase that, but it's important to keep some rest in your regimen.  If you want to exercise more, try a cross training activity like swimming or cycling that doesn't require as much pounding and is easier on your joints and ligaments as they adapt to the stress.

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