
I am 14 teen and i told my boyfriend to you a condom but he took it off and now i a pregnate?

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i dont know how to tell my parent

im scard

i told my friends mom

she was in this situation at age 17

she offerf to bring me to

get an abortion

if my parents wouldnt

now im to scared to go homw

is it rape




  1. sue him

    tell his mom n dad

  2. if you agreed to have s*x with him it isnt rape

    p.s. your screwed.

    have a great day




  4. trust me sweet heart i understand, people that were telling you that your to young to have s*x, tell them to F*** off. that the age i started having s*x, but then again i was willing to except the consequences. im 17 and im pregnant, yes its scary to tell your parents i no. but there your parents and they might not be happy at first but theyll get over it eventually. and as for the rape thing... if you didnt resist it, its not rape. hes an a*****e yes and that life for ya but no its most likely its not rape. and dont be afraid to go home if your not ready to tell them yet, then dont. they wont figure it out till you basically start showing.

  5. First off, DON'T GET AN ABORTION!!! I was in your shoes once. I did not know what to do, abortion seemed to be a way out. But, I could not do it. It would have haunted me forever. Why would I want to kill an innocent child. And no matter what anyone will tell you, YES, IT IS A BABY! Not a glob of flesh, IT IS A BABY!! A LIVING AND BREATHING BABY! ABORTION IS MURDER!!! Look, i know this is a hard time in your life. Your scared and don't know what to do. I kept my child and I hope you do the same. Or, in the last case, adoption is another way. I know a couple right now who can't have children and is adopting a newborn. I will be praying for you and your situation. I will pray that god gives you the right answer!!

  6. im not sure about the rape part... i really dont like ppl who used that to cover up their actions, if you willingly had s*x with a guy then that should be all there is. If you feel that you want the abortion then take it, with or with out telling your parents. But if you think that you might want it or want to give it up then tell them and talk it through with them. Dont blame other people for things you do as it just makes you seem childish. Take responcibity for your actions and be strong.

    Good Luck

  7. tell ur parents (ultimately, they will find out) and take a spelling class.

  8. you cant spell....go to its not rape, you let him, you didnt say no

  9. u shouldnt be havin s*x!!

    u trippin and at age 14!!!!!???

    mah momma wouldve wooped mah asss

    so anyways its not rape unless u didnt want to do it

    but i would do w.e is comfortable with u

  10. you should have learned how to spell

    before you made the desicion to have s*x

    no it is not a rape because you wanted to have s*x;

    didn't you?

    if you dont want the baby get the aboirtion if you

    want to keep it go home tell your parents.

    it's your DECISION.

  11. First of all, how do you know for sure you're pregnant? Maybe you really aren't. Your friend's mom is crazy for telling you she would take you to get an abortion! What kind of mom is she! If this were her daughter, and your mom told her she would take her and not tell her mom, I don't think she would like that! My sister got pregnant when she was 16, so I know what you are going thru. What is the worst thing that could happen if you talk to your mom? Tell her!!! She will probably take you to the dr first, and then take it from there. As for your boyfriend, how old is he? If he is over 18, then yes, it might be considered rape, and he could possibly be in a lot of trouble.  Good Luck to both of you. I hope this scares your boyfriend into using a condom from now on.

  12. it is if you said to use a condom and he still didnt...but you need to tell your parents and see a doctor to explore your options before its too late

  13. Wow, there is no hope for you if you spell like that. Good Luck.

  14. it could be rape if it happened after saying no, but if not, than it was not

  15. Stay in school...

  16. No, he did not rape you as long as you consented to the act of s*x. If you didn't consent anymore after he took off the condom and verbalized it to him and he still continued then it could in some cases be considered rape. But courts are very confused about this issue because it is all a he said/she said based on whether or not he knew you didn't want it anymore type of thing. You should tell your parents you are pregnant and deal with the consequences.

  17. Your school must really suck.

    s*x is for adults.

    You know,

    The people

    who are

    supposed to

    be able

    to afford



    Youth is



    the young.

    How many babies have to die paying for youth's stupidity?

  18. No, it isn't rape because you wanted to have s*x with him. I understand that you are scared and that you don't want to go home but that is the best thing for you to do.  Your parents will more than likely try to help you. Just explain to them what happened and hopefully they will be understanding and they will help you through it... And if they don't then you can turn to your friends mom and she can take you to get an abortion... I wish you the best of luck.  

    Hope I helped ^^

  19. Is it rape???.. No you agreed to have s*x with him. Its not rape.  

    Honey , if he took it off, why did you have s*x with him?   Are you sure you are pregnant?  you need to tell your parents and soon.  The longer you wait , the harder it is going to be on you.  You are still a baby, your body is not ready for this.  You made a mistake and now you have to tell your parents , right NOW. Tell your parents the truth , He did NOT rape you.  If you lie to them , it will get you in even more trouble.

  20. you cant even spell, why the h**l are you having s*x anyway!!

  21. howl old is the guy, if he is 18, yes it is rape

    what do you want to do???

    I had two abortions before I was saved..THANK YOU JESUS...i pray everyday for my forgivness given to me.... but it doesnt help....if you abort a pregnancy (I'm not even really saying its wrong...confused) it will hurt, forever, you will NEVER GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!! NEVER....... I wish my parents would have been more concered about my mental/ physical health that the cost of teenage pregnancy.... my mom though premarital s*x was okay, and she also thought abortion is, i know ... too well, they are both the worst sins women and men can commit....

  22. Who cares about spelling that's the least of your worries right now. Don't listen to that bullshit, honestly, you messed up, and the only thing  can say negative is you shold NOT have let him take off the condom, because pull out method never works - look up 'pre c u m'. But we all makes mistakes... and you have to deal with the consequenses... as far as telling your mom, sit her down, exsplian ti to her... if you just can't do it, and you feel an abortion is right, then it is YOUR CHOICE. You can say all you want before this, as a person, you will 'never result to abrtion' ut once your in this situation... It probably really does become an option. Good luck...

  23. no matter what if u wanted to do it..ure parents can charge the doode with rape..theres no legal age

  24. You have to tell your parents.

    And please, do not get an abortion!

    The child needs to live. <3

  25. No it's not rape, but your parents will get much more mad if they hear it from someone else instead of hearing it from you. Just tell them it will be ok and so much easier.

  26. He's not 18 so if you both agreed to it then it's not rape.

    Now if you want an abortion don't tell your parents you're pregnant, just have your friends mom take you and save the trouble of taking your parents.

    If you want to keep the child then you're going to have to tell them.

    Good luck hun.

  27. Is it rape? No, but depending on what the legal age of consent is in your state your parents can  press charges against the boy. But you can not all of the sudden scream "RAPE" when you want to try to keep yourself out of trouble. When he took the condom off you could have said no. You ar too young to be having s*x in the first place. You should not have s*x until you are ready to take on all the responsibilities that go along with it.  I have always told my kids that when you decide to have s*x you have to make sure that you are protecting yourself, because you are the only one that you can be sure is gonna protect you.

    Of course if you are already pregnant it is already too late for the your too young or protect yourself speeches.

    You have to tell your parents. You are so young, it has not been long since your body went through puberty and now it has to go through 9 months of pregnancy, followed by hours of labor and delivery, or you have to go through an abortion. Remember that whatever choice you make no longer effects only you. It also effects your parents who have to support you as well as any child you bring into the world at this age, not to mention the child that is growing inside of you right now. Can you really abort the child? You have to talk to your mom. You cannot make these decisions on your own. Not to mention you are not old enough to sign for any procedures, your parentds have to sign for you. Talk to them.

    It is time to grow up and take responsibility for the choices you made.

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