
I am 14 years old and 5'81/2 and i weigh 114 pound is that how much i post to weight?

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I am 14 years old and 5'81/2 and i weigh 114 pound is that how much i post to weight?




  1. I think 114 pounds for being 5'8 1/2 is too skinny.  

  2. toooooooooooooooo skinny

  3. im only 11 and weigh 146lbs.

  4. You are just a bit underweight according to you body mass index.  I think that you are pretty tall for 14 and that the weight will increase as you get older. Wouldn't worry about it as long as you're eating healthy and feel good:)

  5. Your ideal weight would be 160 lbs so above 180 lbs could be regarded as overweight and below 140 lbs could be regarded as underweight.  You are probably about 25 lbs underweight.

  6. its kinda light but i think its fine

  7. ur light, but thats normal cuz ur like really tall and tall people are usually slimmer than shorties like me!! lol thats because ur weight is spread out all throughout ur body so u look skinnier than short people who have all there weight just like in the same place and it makes them look fatter but really there not its not there fault. its just cuz there short

  8. its fine your tall so your not supposed to weigh alot you never see a tall fat person

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