
I am 14 years old and I'm a boy and i don't know how long should it take for me to do 1500 meter..?

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I am 14 years old and I'm a boy and i don't know how long should it take for me to do 1500 meter..?




  1. i am 15 and ran the 1600 in 5:35. So you should be around there

  2. Well, 1500 meters is 15\16 of a mile, about. What your time should be depends on what exercising you already do. If you just play some sports, but never really trained for just running, a time of 6:45 would still be pretty decent for a 14 year old. If you train, 5-5:45 would be great.

  3. You should be under 5 minutes at least cuz im a 13 yr old girl nd i get 5:10

  4. when i go to athletics they give you bonus points for

    reaching certain times

    year 9 and 10 boys 1500m

    1 bonus point: 5m 40 secs

    2 bonus points: 5m 25 secs

    3 bonus points: 5m 10 secs

    hope this helped

  5. for the national fitness testing, 14 year old boys have to run a mile in about 7 minutes. I think Presidential is like 6 minutes. 1500 meters is about eight tenths of a mile, so I'd say about 6 minutes.

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