
I am 14 years old and i want to go to mexico in Dec. 2008 i need $1000 any help? :-)?

by  |  earlier

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i am gonna go with my neighbors and i only need that much for everything. I am too young to get a job and i need advice fast thanks in advance.




  1. if you have access to a flea market set up and sell some junk remember one mans junk is anothers treasure.

  2. work on a farm during the summer months. You can legally do that.

  3. do errands, be a paper boy, what ever you see in cartoons, set a lemonade stand or something like that. if you need money just bet with your friends about anything, thats what i do when i need money it always works ;)

  4. Are you sure you are too young for a job? Because in most states you can get your working papers at age 14 and places like McDonald's will hire you. You can try babysitting; I make good money for it.

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