
I am 14 yrs old,male. live in california, and I want to move with my dad but my mom doesnt let!!?

by Guest65345  |  earlier

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I dont know my rights towards me deciding on what to do, but I cant stand my mom.. but she plans on taking my dad to court. I dont want him in problems. so i need stuck




  1. call your dad and tell him to talk to your mom and just see if maybe you can stay with him for a couple weeks, if you like it stay if you dont then you go back.

    just tell her you want to spend more time with him to get to know ihm before its too late. but you know you will stay with your dad. reassure your mom that you will stay in touh and always visit..blah blah blah

  2. Your dad should be able to get visitation rights unless he can be deemed to be "dangerous"...your mom is not able to simply keep you from your father.  I don't know specific laws but I would discuss this with your mother and if she won't listen then look up the number of a counselor or a hotline or something.  People will listen to you and help.

  3. if you are over 12, in most states you have a "voice" it should be up to you. Why can't you stand your mom, makes you do chores?  

  4. By your age a judge will consider your wishes.  However, you'll have to prove that your dad's house will be a better living situation for you.  The only way something like this can be decided is by going to court.  So by all means let your mom take your dad.  In the meantime you get in contact with him and let him know your feelings, maybe you two can work together with a lawyer.

    Good luck!

  5. Well if your mother has sole custody then I don't think it's possible for you to move with your father. However if custody is yet to be settle then your dad can go to family court to work out an arrangement. The court will decide what's in your best interest such as which parent is the most stable and reliable. While you guys are at family's court maybe you could ask to speak to the judge and plead why you want to move with your father.

  6. You need to talk to your Dad and have them figure it out. Going to court is not as bad as you think. They can be really helpful with these kinds of things. Good luck!

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