
I am 15.5 years old and have only $2000 saved for a car. Should i buy a Moped or a wait for a Car??

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MOPED OR CAR 2000 dollar budget!




  1. The first question you need to ask yourself is why do I NEED a vehicle? Do I need to work to pay for gas, insurance and repairs? Also I would ask do you live in a place where a scooter is practical? What is the weather like?  Is there many roads with  30mph speed limit, so you can avoid the freeway?

    A scooter overall would be cheaper, with gas, insurance and is more easy to park. (duh) But a car is usually more safe, better in bad weather and you can drive friends around (when legal to).  So think about it, my big determining factor for not owning a scooter or motorcycle is I live in Washington State where it rains a lot.  

    I waited until I was 18 to get my drivers license, so I had a car during my senior year in high school and I blew so much money on a free car.  Keeping a first car running can be a challenge, along with insurance and gas really expensive.  I  would say keep saving and bus, bike or walk and have fun instead of working.  Unless you REALLY need to get places you can't find other forms of transportation to.  Even if your parents are paying for everything they could use the money for something else (your college).  But if you really need transportation you could get a real descent car for $2000.00.

  2. car, after the age of 16 who would want a moped over a car

    what happens when it rains,

    you cant moped pool like you can car pool

    is it safe, on a motorcycle you get no respect so whats it going to be like on a scooter

    you still have at least another 6months to save and at the age of 16 if you spend 2stacks of more on a whip you will have one of the better cars in the lot at school easy

  3. A moped is not a substitute for a car.

    You can buy a car for $2000. -maybe not a very good car, but you can do it.

    If I had only $2000 to spend for a car, I'd be looking at $1200 to $1600 cars, and expect to have to fix something.

  4. Get a moped, depending on where your located..I  have a moped, spend $5 at the pumps and  it gets me 100 miles, beats a car where it costs me $60 to fill up,and with that milage it would only cost me $12 to full up the moped, saving 80% in gas milage..Save money, buy a good moped, $2000 will buy you a junker car, why waste all that hard earned money when you can buy a brand new moped and still have 1k left over, you will help the economy and in the end save your pocketbook tons in the end!

  5. wait for a car you might regret it later

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