
I am 15. Do i need a parent to enroll me into school? and how would i get around this?

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I am 15. Do i need a parent to enroll me into school? and how would i get around this?




  1. Why wouldn't your parent want to enroll you in school? Is it because you want to go to a different school? If that's the case, when you're 16 you can pick your own school. For now, talk to your counselor at your school. They can have a conference with you and your parents. We pay taxes for them to solve problems like this.

  2. you have to have a parent do anything legal for you until you are 18 unless you get signed over to your self through the court and thats hard and cost a lot of money...believe me just stay in school and be a teen

  3. yes you need a parent.

    but why would you want to get around it?

  4. Call the school where you would go and talk to the school counselors there to find out your options. They could help you further. Much depends on the state where you live.

  5. yes go to skool

  6. yes u do

    I'm guessing Ur parents wont sign u up i have the same problem

  7. u dont need a parent. thanks for the two points.

  8. why would you want to "get around" this?

  9. why not , you are still a little girl so your parents has to take care of you.....!

  10. Yes, you need a parent. Why woudl you not need a parent? If your parents are abusive, sometimes if they are divorced and arguing violently over visitation rights and custody, it maye be possible for you to obtain underage emancipation, in which you or a lawyer is able to act as your guardian.

    If your problem is that you are homeschooled and wish to enroll in 'real' school, point out that you need to be able to get into a good college to have a future! Public (and some private) schools offer AP and IB classes, which increase your chances of getting into college and getting scholarships. Also, there are more opportunities to take standardized tests. As a 15-year-old, you should have taken the PSAT, SAT, and ACT at least once by now. You have at most 2 years before the scores 'count', so take these tests as many times as you can in the next two years! Hopefully, if your parents see that you are serious about college, they will want to help you get there (by allowing you to take AP and IB classes).

  11. I'll do it for you

  12. As long as you are under the age of 18, and a minor child, surprise you will need your parents consent for just about anything.

    There is no way around it unless they allow you to be emancipated.

    Do you have the ability to support yourself fully?

    My suggestion is, sit down with your parents, and work this out, but understand that they have the final say, so what you get, or don't get may depend on how you approach this issue; without an attitude, and respectfully I hope.

    Good Luck.

  13. I'm assuming that since you asked this in home schooling that you are home schooled now and want to go to public school and your parents won't allow it.  Unfortunately for you, you do need a parent to enroll you in school.  What you could do is explain to your parents why you want to go to school and let them know that they have properly equipped you with the tools necessary to be successful in public school, let them know the positives about going to school instead of them focusing on the negatives.  Sorry, but unless you are emancipated you'll need them to sign the forms.  I hope you get your wish!!  I'll be rooting for you!!

  14. Not entirely sure about your states laws, but most of the country would require you to be an emancipated minor in order to do that.  You would have to find out what your states laws are, or tell me which state you reside in. assuming you're in the U.S., that is.

  15. why in the world would you need to 'get around this'?

    a grandparent, aunt or uncle who ever you are living with can play the same part. They would be your guardian.

  16. Yes, you need a parent to enroll you if you are under 18. There's no way around it.

  17. You could explain your situation to a guidance counselor or DCF (department of children and families) and they'll help you get around it.

  18. Yes, most school districts require your parent(s) to enroll you.  Not only that, but the parent has to prove residence for most public school districts.

    I'm not sure about private (or Catholic) schools.

    The only other ways for you to be able to enroll without your parent is to be (1) legally emancipated, or (2) have a legal guardian the courts have approved.

    Hope this helps.

  19. wat??

  20. Get someone to pose as a parent or Guardian, The School wont question it unless there are red flags. I have never been asked for an ID and I am a parent that has two kids in School.

      You do need a valid address (PO box may do) where they can send report cards etc...

      But by all means go to School what ever it takes.

  21. Where is your parent?

  22. I believe you have to have a parent or guardian enroll you. But it depends on what state you are in. Your state may have certain requirements. They may be of help to you, you should read up on that.

    If you have a special case, talk to the school and see if they can make exceptions on a case-to-case basis.

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