
I am 15. Is it legal for alchohol to be brought to and drunk at a party, if their are adults there.?

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I know that everyone does this, but my parents want to know whether it is actually legal before they let me throw a party. I live in Melbourne.




  1. No...alcohol is legal when you are 21 (in the states) and 18 (in Australia...not sure which Melbourne you live in) matter who buys it for you.  Seeing as how you are neither 18 nor 21, the answer would still be no.  Your parents can also be held legally responsible if they are caught supervising a party where underage drinking is involved...i.e. they could go to jail!

  2. if you're under 21, you're not legally allowed to drink!

    how would parents make a difference?

  3. No. If you are under the legal age, you may not buy alcohol or consume it on public property. You can drink alcohol at home (private property) or someone else's home, though.

  4. NO, Underage is underage. It is breaking the law and your parents should not be contributing to your the breaking the law.

    BTW, you shouldn't be going to parties where this is the situation. It only means trouble, in more ways than one.

    An, no, everyone does not do this...........

  5. Nope, you shouldn't be drinking at that age, wait a few more years

  6. nope

  7. Nope, no booze until you are 21, so forget that idea.

  8. Australia and America are different... I wouldn't risk it though.

  9. You are not legally allowed to consume alcohol if you are under 21.  In fact, if your friends come over and consume alcohol and then either get hurt somehow or god forbid, drive a vechicle and they either get in an accident or even just get pulled over, your parents will be held legally liable.  This means that they can be arrested and charged with serving a minor.  If the person does get hurt or get in an accident or hurts or kills someone else then your parents can be charged with even more serious charges.  They can also be held financially responsible, which means that someone else's parents can sue them for allowing underage drinking or for serving minors.  This can cause so many more problems than it's worth.  If you choose to go ahead and do it anyway then make sure that everyone that is attending will be spending the night at your house or will have a safe ride home - not from someone that has been drinking.

  10. I have ordered wine, with dinner, for my 12-year old niece, when in a restaurant, but it is always diluted by the waiter to 1 part wine and 5 - 7 parts water - my European friends do the same;  we, are, however, talking about one glass of diluted wine with dinner with the responsible party being a relative of the child who has parental permission to do this.  

    Your parents would be foolish to accept a "legal" answer via Yahoo and would, also, be foolish to permit drinking by anyone, under the age limit ,without them being under the supervision of their own parents.  Your parents are responsible for you, alone - not anyone else's child.  What if some "child" has three drinks, goes home, falls down the stairs and breaks his neck?  Your parents could be charged with negligence contributing to the death of a minor - risky business, just to serve alcohol, don't you think?

  11. If it's the law unlike here in the U.S, I think you can, but don't drink too much.

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