
I am 15 and have a sixteen month old sister does anyone else have much younger siblings?

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Yeh i love my sister but she can be very annoying




  1. yes

  2. I have a brother who is 18mnths older than me; and a sister who is 14yrs younger.

    Cant help but be grossed out and think she was an accident!

    My dad is 16yrs older than my uncle.

  3. my friend (like a little brother) is 15 and his mum is pregnant with her 4th child due in november

  4. Yes, my mom is 43 and she has a new born sister. I am 11 and my brother is 16.

    Hope that helps you. =)

  5. Yessss I have like 1million step and half siblings.. My step mum just had  another boy.. so yeah..

    i also have a 11wk old daughter and i m 15

  6. I am 25.. My youngest brother was born 26th June 2008.. So Yes very much so...!!

  7. my friends older sista is 14 year older than her baby brotha who is 11 months old

  8. im 16, and i have a 9 months year old sister

  9. I'm 16 and I have a half sister that's 16 months old too if I figured that out right...she was born in 46 year old Dad picked up a 24 year old at the bar and well ya know they're going out kind of still and she wasn't made from a complete one night stand.  It was really funny a couple weeks ago my Dad got home from the bar and his wallet was hanging out of his back pocket and my Mom said something about it and he was like "that's my lure"....and I was like "for 24 year olds" and he was like "no...22 year olds now..."

  10. I dont but my friend is 11  years older than her lilttle sis

  11. yea. im 13 yrs older then my brother and 14 yrs older then my sister

  12. Im 21 n my sister is 11. It was good growing up because i got to learn how to look after baby's n now shes a mini me!

  13. I am the youngest of 6 girls!  Ages are: 37, 32, 28, 25, 22, and 17. My oldest sister is 20 years older than me. Surprisingly, we are the closest! My 25 and 22 year old sisters were hard to get along with when we were younger. My 37 year old sister however was the easiest! By the time I was born she was already out and in college. She'd always come and visit when she could, making our relationship distant, yet strong. We all get along great.

  14. My husband is 26 and has a 2 year old baby sister.  His mother had him when she was just 17 and had the baby when she was 41.  



  15. hi  I am  Caitlin  yes I do have much younger siblings  I am 17   I have  3 bros  brad 15  jye 13 and SAM 8 and my mums having another very soon

  16. i am 8 years older then my sister and my oldest aunt is 22 years older then my youngest aunt

  17. well i have a 24 year old sister and a seven year okd brother but im 13

  18. its quite commom.  


    My naighbor's brother is 18, she's 15, and they have to sisters      who are 13 and 8, and a baby brother who is 7 months.

  19. I'm the baby of the family. I'm 24 but I have half brothers that are in there 30's maybe 40's. All I have is a photo of them and me when I was a baby and they looked older than 18 and I was only a wee mite. I haven't seen them in a very long time

  20. I am 10 years older than my sister. My husband is 17 years older than his sister.  My daughter is 11 years older than my son. There are lots of pros and cons to the big age gap between siblings.

  21. Im 14, and i have 2 older sisters, 24 && 27 and a 4 month old baby brother.

  22. ok well my family will confuse the heck out of you lol.

    Here we go , when my mum was 15 she had me when she was 18 she had my sister. Then when i was16 mum had my lil bro Declan she was 31, than a year later another brother  Mitchell when she was 32 and i was 17 and than she had my lil sis when i was 19 and she was 34. And on top of all that i had my first bub at 20! So now i'm 26 have a 23yr old sis, 10 & 9 yr old bros, a 7 yr old sis and my eldest daughter is 6 and i also have a four yr old and a 4 mnth old.

    They all go to the same school and all there friends think its great that there aunties and uncles at there age!

    Bad thing is people think my mum and i are sisters & i get stuck with all the babysitting lol!

  23. Yup, i am also 15 and i have a 5 year old brother, 2 year old brother, and 11 month old sister. People often think i am the mother which i find wierd because i am half black and they are all my little pale step siblings.=p

  24. i'm 13 and have a sister Matti that's 15

  25. i am 14 years old, and have 2 younger siblings ; a litle sister who will be 4 soon and a little brother who is 1. we are 10 and 13 years apart ! i absolutly hate it.... i used to be an only child and i got ALL the attntion. now, i still get attention but its more along the lines of " do this, do that" " go change your brother " "go give the kids a bath" it gets really frusterating, so i prefer to be out of the hosue, away from hte chaos. but i do love my brother and sister,and i do get attention, not as much as i used to, but things are getting better now,now that the kids are getting older and more independant. within a few years i will have more privlages and i wont be needign to help out with them as much. so just keep a positive attiude and look forward to the future. but in the meantime jsut help out as much as you can, so u get mroe time fro yourself and friends.

  26. yes, my sister is 17 years older than i am, but then they told me that she was really my mom, she gave me to my grandma becasue she couldnt raise me and they taught me that she was my mom and my mom was really my sister, yea its confusing, i know

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