
I am 15 and i need to shoot around par in 6 months?

by Guest61308  |  earlier

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I am 15 and i need to shoot aroung par in 6 mounths so I can be in my high schools top six i have been playing for abou 7 mounths and i shoot around 48 on 9 holes and 87 on 18 is this going to be hard to do???




  1. Firstly, I don't think that it is "hard", or "easy" for that matter -- it's simply something that will need a lot of dedication if it is going to be accomplished. Before reading what's below, first consider finding a golf pro who you get along with. If you're serious about this, you'll be spending a lot of time with him/her.

    Now if you can consistently shoot in the high 80's, then that means that you have a pretty decent swing and can get the ball up in the air, and if you're in high school then you'll need to balance study time and practice time. That said, the key to shaving strokes off your game is practicing the areas where you spend the most time around the course -- and this will be pitching, chipping and putting. I suggest about an hour a day for each, pick up old magazines (or search online) for drills of these skills and take that to your local practice area.

    Then hit the course as much as possible. Practice is where you gain skill, and the course is where you'll gain smarts. Combining the two will get you where you want to go.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!

  2. with golf all that you can do is play. Golf is the hardest sport

  3. If you've only been playing 7 months and  you're under 90, that is nice progress.  However, becoming a scratch player in just  more 6 months will probably be an impossibility.  I'm being realistic, not negative.  The better you become and the lower your scores, the more difficult it will  become to improve at a rapid rate.  A better goal might be to attain scratch status by college which will enable you to have a shot at playing nicely at that level.  Remember that golf takes hard work and is a full time job if you want to be an accomplished player.  Good Luck!

  4. Hard yes, impossible NO!  

    Don't listen to the people that say you can't. You MUST Focus on shortgame.  Most important is chipping and putting.  If you improve you chipping you can miss fairways and greens but chip it inside 7 feet to get a chance at a putt for par.  

    Putting - make all of your 5 footers and 70% of your 7 footers and you will get into 70's right there.  Low scores are as much about eliminating bogeys as it is about birdies

    It's not always the best ball strikers that win, it's the best putters.  Tiger can win from the woods because he putts and chips great.

  5. it may be. but u have only been playing for 7 months. have a good attitude. work on short game and putting. get sum lesson. PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!

  6. Are you any good at baseball?

  7. Dream on.

    It seems unlikely a school would set such a standard.

  8. Unless your school has among the best golf programs in the country, you should have no problem making the team if you shoot in the mid 80s. If I had to guess from the way you worded it, your 9 hole average is probably 48 and your all-time low is probably 87, which is probably not good enough, but I'd imagine if you practiced enough you could get good enough to make your golf team in 6 months.

  9. Yes, it will be very difficult.  However, your age helps.  The only way you'll have a chance is to become obsessed with the game.  Find somewhere every day & work on your game.  Fist step is: work on your short game.  You won't believe how quickly your score will improve if you can "get it up & down from the parking lot".  When you play, keep track of how many strokes you take from 50 yards & in and work on getting that number as low as possible.  Another important thing to do is play with people who are better than you when you have the chance and be a sponge: watch what they do & soak it up.  Good luck!!

  10. That is highly unrealistic. I don't find myself a very good golfer and I have only been playing for about 10 months and I am a 10 handicap. I am also 11 so if you are 15 you should probably be much taller and stronger meaning you should be able to hit the ball much further and be able to use adult sized clubs which normally yield much better results kids clubs. Unless you are taking private lessons every week for the next 6 months then I officially declare you screwed.

  11. so there are 5 players on your team that shoot under par consistently?  Thats hard to believe.  I would not focus on trying to shoot par as a target score, but improve your fundamentals, course management skills, strength, and flexibility.  Do these and your scores will go lower.  I hate to tell you but with those types of players on your team, you may have to wait a bit to play.

  12. Sorry it will not happen to be honest with you will not have the experience, the swing, course management, confidence once the tourneys or matches arrive.  You are asking for a lot in such a short period of time sorry if I sound rude, but this the truth

  13. WOW! 87 on 18 is impressive for a 15 year old.  h**l, I'm 16 and I shoot a 100 on 18, even though I can manage a 45 on 9...It's hard to believe that you aren't in the top 6 with that scoring.  Your scores impress me and would get 2nd at my school.  I guess I'm no help then with my average =\

  14. YES!!!!!!! considering that i have played for 5 years and my best score is 2 over par for 18 holes.

  15. It's going to very difficult if you rely on tips from us golfers on Yahoo!Answers. You need hand-on instruction. Someone knowledgeable enough to stand with you at a practice range and provide the proper advice and instruction on the do's and dont's of a proper and effective golf swing. If you've only got 6 months you'd better get hustling because it's not going to be easy.

  16. I don't understand your math.  You can shoot 48 on 9 holes, but 87 on 18.  That doesn't add up.  If your personal best for 9 holes is 48 then your best for 18 could be no better than 96.

  17. well, I'm 15, and a freshman in high school. the summer previous to golf season, I was shooting in the mid 80's. I tried out for golf and ended up making the team and playing golf everyday for 3 months, and now I'm shooting in the mid 70's every day. To get your score down to scratch, you have to be out there every day hitting thousands of balls and draing thousands of putts. It is possible if you have tremendous athletic ability, but don't be hard on yourself if you don't achieve your far-fetched goal.

  18. Honestly, it seems unlikely that you will drop 16 strokes in a matter of months. Not only will you have to play multiple hours a day, you will have to make sure to be practicing with proper technique. If golf is your number one priority, I highly recommend getting a teacher, and having lessons once a week. Even with that, the odds of becoming a scratch golfer is slim.

  19. Yes depending on where you live.  If you live in a warm climate where you can play virtually every day, it's possible, but unlikely.  It will cost you a whole bunch of money because lessons aren't cheap.  You will have to play often.  I've only heard of one person becoming a scratch golfer in 6 months and she is a professional.  Good luck, but I think you are setting your sights too high.  If you are able to accomplish it, then more power to you.

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