
I am 15 and i weigh 225 lbs.Is that overweight?

by  |  earlier

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If it is how can i lose weight easy?What kind of food will i have to eat?What food should i stop eating?How long a day should I exercise and what kind of exercises should I do?




  1. See this site for that info:

  2. O ur fine dont worry about it this is America were all fat. Just stay away from Mcdonalds and take ur fat self to subway get ur self a nice club sandwich maybe even 2 or 3. I hope i helped u out. Have a great fat Day

  3. yes it is. are you muscular? if not, then you need to lose weight.

  4. yes too much. dont eat junk food and fastfoods neither stay away from oily foods and drink lots of water and small meals +candy bars.

  5. Unless you're taller than 6'2, your BMI says you are overweight.

    Easy ways to start losing weight? Try joining a sport with school, or if you don't want to do that - start exercising on your own. Find something that you enjoy to do! (IE, go running, walk, play tennis with a friend, etc.) Also, you could try to join a weekly yoga/kickboxing/self defense community class as well (although these can get pretty pricey). Exercising is KEY to losing weight.

    Also, try to modify a few of your bad eating habits. Starting small and working your way towards eating healthy is definitely the way to go. For example, every week, change one thing about how you eat. (IE, this week, make it your goal to drink 8+ glasses of water per day.) Trying to do too much in too little of time is definitely dangerous (such as trying to constrict calories when you are used to eating a lot more), and will probably lead to overeating. So take it slow, and be realistic about your goals.

    Good luck!

  6. It depends on how tall you are.

    Drink lots of water

    Don't eat junk (no cookies, chips, candy...)

    Eat veggies and fruits.

    Go jogging/walking every day (do at least 3 miles a day)


  7. sounds like you are, but depends how much muscle you have cuz muscle weighs more than fat

  8. at 15 years of age, you should be running around for a couple of hours a day!!!! ride a bike to school (or walk), play a team sport as well as run or swim three times a week.

    eat less and more often; fruit, vegetables and nuts as snacks and make sure you get a whole and healthy variety of nutrients at each main meal.

  9. It depends on how tall you are.


  10. You're a big boy;...

  11. You need not be overweight, because bones also add up to a lot of weight. Then again your height. You havent given any reference to your height. Do this thing yourself. In standard SI units, convert your height in meters and your weight in kilos and then calculate your BMI ( Body Mass Index ).

    BMI = (weight in kilos) / (Height^2 in meters squared )

    that is convert your weight in kilos and divide it with the squared valued of your height in meters and look at the value.

    . if your BMI is less than 25 but greater than 18.5, you are normal

    . if your BMI lies between 25-30, you are overweight

    . if your BMI lies between 30-35 , you are obese CLASS 1

    . if 35-40, obese CLASS 2

    . if >40, obese CLASS 3

    IF you fall under normal category, congrats, you are extremely healthy for having a weight like that and still a BMI< 25. After having done the preliminaries, now the assumptions.

    Assuming you are overweight, first of all yes, it IS definitely possible to lose weight, but it wont be easy, you have to do it the hard way, for logn lasting and positive results.

    here are some tips

    1. Excercise. Include mainly cardio excercises that causes you to burn a lot of calories. Most people put on weight because their metabolic rates are drastic. More specifically speaking their catabolic rates are bad, so they cannot burn whatever they intake and that amounts to fat, so burn more calories than you intake to cut down on the already existing fat.

    2. Eat consciously. Irrespective of the floating fad foods, never go for them. No amount of medicines is gonna help you either. They only control your food pangs or fat, burn are bad for you in the long run. Its better if you include a lot of Roughage, fibrous food. Take a lot of fruits. Dont eat fatty food, beef, dairy products and meat. If at all you cant do without them, substitute them with lean meat, skimmed dairy products.

    3. Do more Cardiovascular excercises. You can also try yoga. More working out doesnt mean you will lose more calories contrary to popular belief. So work out just whatever is perfect for you in consultation with your trainer and just one thing......


    all the best :)....let me know if u succeed someday :)

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