
I am 15 weeks pregnant can this hurt my baby? ?

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I am 15 weeks pregnant and I just took a nap and when I woke up I was on my tummy. Can this hurt or kill my baby? I didn't even know that I was doing it.




  1. No, it's sleeping on your back you have to be careful of.

    Not that it will kill the baby or hurt it if done, but the baby does lay on an artery so you can't do it too much , though I couldn't sleep any other way and my daughter is fine, shes 1 year.

  2. no. you aren't that far along really have a belly yet. when you start to get a belly it is so uncomfy to be on your belly that it will prolly wake you up. best bet is to put pillows behind and in front of you

  3. no, when you are far along enough you will not be able to unconsciencly sleep on your tummy, so enjoy it while you can.

  4. you wont hurt your baby. i woke up on my tummy when i was 31 weeks and everythins good still but it was uncomfortable. so dont worry.

  5. No it wont hurt baby. However you should try to train yourself to stay on your side as baby gets bigger. Try putting a ball behind your back/ or in front of you so that when you go to roll you will stay on your side from the instinct of feeling it. Good luck!

  6. No, Nothing is going to be wrong with the baby they suggest that you dont lay on your back or stomach. But they only mean that because of the uncomfortableness and room you will give your baby, I am 36 weeks and I still lay on my back and tummy when I need to, Just dont do it for long periods at a time. Everything is fine.

  7. not necessarily as your baby is still quiet small. but in future try nap on your left side because research shows it improve oxygen flow to you baby through the palcenta so dont stress honey i often found myself on my tummy when i was pregnant on both my boys and it never did them any harm. I'm sure your baby is fine : )

  8. Nope you can lie on your tummy for as long as its comfy!

  9. No, you're baby is fine!  It's only late in pregnancy that you would worry, but the pain you would feel before it ever hurt the baby would get you off your belly before anything bad happened.

  10. No. You should be fine.  

  11. No not at all.. there is a lot of fluid around ur baby so he or she is v well protected, dont worry n enjoy it while u can..soon u wont be able to cuz u'll be too big!

    Good luck

  12. no your fin.  you will be able to tell when you cant sleep on our tummy because it is uncomfortable and you just autoatically stop doing it.  i am 38 weeks and miss it sooo much.  

  13. No. My mom said that she slept on her belly with all 3 of us and your doctor will say its best to sleep on your side, but if thats how you can get comfortable you are fine. I slept on my stomach till around 17 weeks when I started to get big and my baby is just fine. They are well protected in our bellies and it would take a big blow for something bad to happen to him/her! Good luck!

  14. NO WAY! Your fine. The bay will be fine. Later you won't be able to sleep on you tummy or you back. You won't be able to sleep at all. lol

  15. nope

  16. No, you're fine. :)  I probably slept on my stomach throughout the night until 20, 22 weeks.  Actually, I'm not sure how long it was until I stopped, but I stopped because of the pressure and because I was uncomfortable.  But no, I'm sure your baby is just fine. :)

  17. No, your baby is fine, it's very protected in there. Your body wont do something that is not comfortable to it - and you are allowed to sleep on your tummy til it's not comfortable anymore.

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