
I am 15 years of age and i love football...?

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i live in a small town and the footy team is really c**p, its b grade and the players are mostly around 18-20... my dad lives in rockingham(W.A) and i want to move down with him and play against my own age as i will get more of the ball and get better... i think i am good enough to play in my age group but prob not b grade up ere...What should i think about doing..




  1. If you want to play football, then do whatever it takes to play it. Follow your life time goal or else you'll be missing out and it will suck!!

    Good luck mate.

  2. mate i coached kids your age for a few years, look i would say it will only do you good in the long run, kids that play up a few age groups normally turn out to be good footballers, don't worry its c**p, you will still get used to bigger bodies etc, that is one of biggest things when starting to play senior footy. unless you really want to live with your dad, that's another story.

    stick at it mate, it's a great game as you know and you will make life long friends through footy, the finals teams you play in, and if you have or do play in a winning grand final side, they are your mates for life, i can tell you that.

    one more bit of advice mate, put your questions in the Aussie rules section, you are only in general football, look for Australian rules, when selecting your category,

    cheers cobber, all the best.

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