
I am 15 years old and I am currently looking for a job. What companys hire at age 15? And do hospitals hire?

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I am 15 years old and I am currently looking for a job. What companys hire at age 15? And do hospitals hire?




  1. I work at a hospital and you have to be at least 18 y/o.  however, if you want to volunteer at a hospital, they are always looking and age doesnt matter. good luck!

  2. I think you are too young to be working at a hospital.  Try a beginners job, such as a box boy at a grocery store, or a matinence guy at a convenience store.

  3. LOL I cant even seem to get a job at any hospital and i am 32 lol. And have an EMT license. I have seen kids your age bussing tables. Try a mom and pop restaurant to see if they need a bus person.

  4. Providing you have a work permit, you have a decent shot at getting a job.  Your best bet is to get a job as a courtesy clerk (aka bagger) at a grocery store.  That way you can get to know the store and work your way up.  You could probably volunteer at a hospital...but I don't know what a 15 year old could do there as an employee.

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