
I am 15 yr old girl going to france as a exchange from the U.S.A?

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I am going only for a couple weeks, and I wanna live it up when I am there. Maybe hit some nightclubs with my host, maybe a couple drinks. Is this different at all from in the U.S.A?

Does anyone also have any tips for me when I go to france?

On my 8 1/2 Hour Flight!





  1. If you&#039;re going to be in Paris, may I recommend Les Planches for a nightclub for people around your age?  Usually from about 15-19 years old.  The legal drinking age there is 16, but they really don&#039;t card anywhere in the country, and certainly not at a club like that.

    It&#039;s totally different from the USA - drinking some red wine is like having a glass of juice =]  They won&#039;t let you have much hard liquor (vodka, etc.) in the clubs, but you&#039;re fine for beer, champagne, and the like.

    Speak lots and lots of French while you&#039;re there.  And sleep on the plane so you&#039;re not jet lagged.

    Have a nice trip =]

  2. The drinking age escapes me, but 15 sounds to young.  Anyway, I would just hope that you aren&#039;t going there just to party it up.  You never met these people before and now you are going to go over there and expect them to hook you up with all this booze?  I would definately tone it down.  You&#039;ll be drinking soon enough on your own.   Don&#039;t embarrass your self and the the rest of America in front of these people.

    Have fun their.  I&#039;d try to not speak English at all while you are there.  Use the time to really learn.  After just a few weeks you&#039;ll be on that plain back to the US so I&#039;d use the time to your advantage.  Find out from your hosts about some good French music.  That way you can have a fun way to practice back in your native country.  

    I&#039;d try and sleep on the flight too.  If you just can&#039;t sleep take a along a movie or a good book.  And by all means bring along one of those U - shaped travel cushions that goes around your neck and rests on your shoulders.  If you do sleep you&#039;ll wake up with a much less stiff neck.  

    Be sure you have all your valuables in secure places.  Don&#039;t carry your money all in one place.  In case you get pick pocketed you don&#039;t want him to get away with everything.  

    Oh and be sure and bring a gift to your host family.  The French are in to regional things - they love knowing about charicteristics of things unique to an area.  So pick something that your State is known for and give it to them and explain to them why  it is special to your area.

    Good luck!

  3. Legal age in France for night club and drinking is 16. You might find it difficult to go out if your host is careful about this.

  4. Do not fall into the bad habits of smoking and drinking-- they are tough habits to break and can ruin your life.  Sorry to rain on your parade, but it&#039;s true.  Be prepared for a different culture. Yes, France is a western country with some similarities, but it is different from the U.S. In the meantime, study the French language as much as you can-- don&#039;t depend on French ppl to speak English (they are living and working in a French speaking country).  Don&#039;t talk about the occupation of France during WW2 (a very unpleasant subject).  French ppl love Madonna and Tina Turner so you can talk about them.  On the plane, try to get some sleep.  If not, you are going to feel really lousy when you get to Europe.  Another hint, French ppl eat smaller portions so if there is a platter of lamb chops, take only one.  If you take more than one there might not be enough for everyone. Don&#039;t forget to try some of the really delicious French pastries (pain au chocolate, quiche) and chocolates. Have a good time, be respectful of other ppl and be open to another culture!

  5. Yes, it is different in a positive way that you will have more freedom than you ever have in the US as a teenager.

    On your way to France you will probably want to sleep in the airplane as much as possible because those flights are usually leaving in the afternoon and evening and you will arrive in the morning. You might be super tired when u get there.

  6. Trust me they always say its an 8 and a something long flight, usually it&#039;s much shorter, i was going to this small city in europe, about 2 hours away from France, and it did not take 8 hours.

    the flights are usually up to 7 hours, unless there is a whether problem.

    the flight is usually the more exciting part, i had to take 2 planes when i was going and waitng on the air port took 6 hours.

    but bring a portable DVD player and watch a movie, or a season of a series like old Hills reruns, the OC, or whatever show you might like. i watched the newer King Kong (5 h 30 movie) and that took up the whole entire flight, and when we were landing i didnt even realize how fast the time went by.

    and make sure your host is okay with everything (like the nightclubs and drinking) when my friend went, her host thought the smallest things were something huge. like she hugged this guy that also went with her, but had a different host, and her host thought that they were going out or that she liked him, so she kept making plans for them to hang out. when my friend asked if there were any night clubs her host was always like no no, they&#039;re too late, i dont like the whole nightclub thing.

    but you can try to encourage her, they are definetly more fun than in north america (and less creapy old men :P)

    hope that helped, and have fun!

  7. your so lucky  wish that i could go there . i think it is the same their as here .

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