
I am 154.4 and i loose 30pounds? what size of clothing will i fit in if my boob size is 38 D

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will i loose weight in my b***s?

if my pants are a size 10 or 12 what size will they be?

was are some easy ways for a 14 teen year old to loose 30 or 35 pounds thanks




  1. haha yeah womans health but yeah you will loose wieght in the b***s thats where you lose the most

  2. Whoah.

    don't tell me your a boy with bigger b***s than most of us girls.


  3. yeah wrong section there!!!

  4. Wrong section  

  5. womans health

  6. You should lose a size for every 10 lbs. of weight loss and yes you will lose in your b***s, but not that much.  There are two ways you can guarantee weight loss for a person your age - 1. Get out and do something. Dance, walk, take up martial arts or something, just be active. Walking in the mall does not count. 2. Eat healthy. No fried foods, no fast foods, lots of veggies and fruits while watching your portions. If the portion of meat you eat is bigger than the portion of veggies you eat, you've got it all backwards. Your meat should be smaller than your veggie portions.  This is a good start and this is standard information that any health official will give you. My first suggestion is talk to your doctor or school nurse. Get a health professional on your side and no one can stop you from reaching your weight goals. Hope this helped and good luck!!!

  7. you'd probably be a size 6

    if you want to really lose weight then just start taking walks every day ..go with your mom or a friend so it'll become something you look forward to do doing :) ride your bike on the weekends, cycling is a good way to boost your metabolism. also, try cutting out junk and fried foods, you can still treat yourself once in awhile with your favorite food but try to have a very balanced diet with grains, dairy, lean meats and lots of veggies and some fruit!! :) i lost 30lbs when i was 18 and i just was really strict but still had chocolate when i needed it every couple of hours and snack on almonds once in awhile :)

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