
I am 16 an i kan sleep at all y is this?

by  |  earlier

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last nite i didnt sleep at all and den i went 2 go jog 4 miles the nite b4 da same thng happend and now 2day it seems like its goin 2 happen again y is dis i mean i try 2 go 2 sleep but i jus kant




  1. I think if you need a perfect solution for your problem I must need some more info from you. Any how try to follow these for few days and your problem may come down.

    Get up early in the morning. Go for a cool walk. There should not be any hurry. If you can not walk in the morning you can do it in the evening. While walking you try to give rest to your mind by just observing the nature, enjoy the cool breeze. After coming back from your walk relax for 5 minutes, have your bath. Sit with your body straight on the floor on a thin mat at any of the comfortable place at you home. Bring down your thoughts as much as possible. There should not be any force to do this. In spite controlling your thoughts any thoughts arises, whether it is good or bad, don't feel bad, just observe the thought. It arises and passes away. You don't react to your thought. Slightly you bring your attention to your breath. Just observe the breath, it goes in and goes out. You just observe this for few minutes. After you are little bit comfortable get up and go to your routine. Evening you finish your dinner before 8 pm. The dinner should not be heavy and it should not be spice and it should not be a junk food. There should be a gap of at least 90 minutes b/w your food and sleep. Before going to bed read some good calm books or watch some good TV program. Use a thin matres for sleep, and sleep with your face upwards.You do this for 7 days and defenately you will get a better sleep. Further quiries please write to

  2. maybe if you stopped getting out of bed to go on a run, you'd fall asleep.


  4. you shouldnt exercise at least 3 hours before you go to bed because it will make you less tired and not able to fall asleep

  5. I have no idea what you just said.

    Try speaking English.

  6. i like perks answer haha i loled

  7. Go to school and learn proper english.  This might help you get to sleep easier since it can be boring and it will definitely make you sound a little more intelligent.  

  8. Dude those other guys are lame im 15 I know tha lingo.haha

    Ok well wut do you do during tha day? Maybe do sum more activities like go to tha mall, park, swimming idk you and your friends decide..And dont 4get you are a teenager dude we have tha power to stay up for dayz lmao.. Im not goin to sleep til 3am probably cus I woke up at 11 today. Alot of times im very active all day & still cannot sleep. Youll be okay man. OH & if you really wanna go to sleep try jerking off before you go to bed.haha DONT SAY YOU DONT CUS I KNOW YOU DO. haha im playin man but hey you get 2 BENIFITS~LAT3$ DUD3~

  9. LOL

    you made me laugh

    say this out loud and it sounds so dumb.

  10. Wow, you have horrible language skills. You may want to invest in a dictionary or perhaps an English tutor. Anyway, you may suffer from insomnia, or it may be just a common thing for teenagers. I used to have a lot of trouble sleeping (still do, sometimes) and I once had a doctor tell me not to do things like playing video games or watching television before bed. She said the best thing to do would be to either read a book or do nothing at all starting about 30 minutes before I intended to go to bed.  

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