
I am 16 and I am 7 months pregnant, any how to be a mother advice? ?

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Of course, this baby wasn't planned and well I live with my father who hasn't talked to me in 7 months...

any advice?




  1. If I were you, I'd wait until tonight when you and your Dad are both at home for the evening, and ask him if you can talk. If he hasn't spoken to you since you told him, then you have to be the mature one and take the initiative.

    Tell him that you are still his daughter, that you are still young yourself, perhaps say that you are scared if you are feeling that way, and say that you would love some advice on how to bring up a new baby. Say that you are reaching out to him and you'd appreciate him talking to you, as his support would mean a lot.

    I know the main question was about mother advice, but I think it's so sad that you live with your dad and you haven't spoken in seven months. You'll need support when the baby is born, and he should be able to help, advise and support you.

    I wish you loads of luck with the pregnancy, and I'm sure when you have the baby your instincts will take over and you'll be a wonderful Mum.  

  2. Read some GOOD parenting books. (I would recommend Dr. Sears' books.  Avoid like the plague any books that focus on getting baby to sleep the night ASAP, or get baby on a schedule ASAP.  That's NOT what parenting is about.)

    Planned or not, you're going to be a mother in 2 months. Which means that, for at least the next 18 years, your child's needs come first.  It's your responsibility to do the best job YOU are capable of doing to meet his needs and give him the best chance at a healthy, happy and productive life. So learn about breastfeeding. Learn about the sort of care a baby needs. Don't expect it come 'naturally' or rely on instinct, because our instincts have been pretty much eliminated by several thousand years of civilization.  

    Oh, and find out from your school what your options are.  Do they have childcare available?  Can you go part time?  If not, who is going to care for your baby while you're at school.

    And figure out the financial stuff too. Who is supporting you and your baby?  Where is the baby's father in all of this?

    Good luck.  You've got a tough job ahead of you.

    EDIT:  Sorry for 'assuming' it was a boy.  I usually try to be completely neutral if the gender isn't clear from the question. When that's not possible, I alternate, and answer one question with 'she' and the next with 'he.'  

    As for baby's father he IS responsible for this child.  Even if you need to take him to court, he is responsible for providing financial assistance towards the care of raising of HIS daughter.

  3. it will be so natural as soon as you see your baby's face its to hard to explain but you'll see don't worry just always do whats in your heart.  

  4. I agree that adoption is a wonderful option for you and, more importantly, your baby.  I know that's not what you want to hear, but unless you are willing to put your child into the #1 slot for the next 18 years, you really should consider adoption,  By putting the baby first, I mean every single time.  Your baby comes before dating, going out with friends, going to a movie, going to the mall...your life will never be the same.  You will have to go to school AND work in order to provide for your baby. Instead of buying a new iPod or CD, you will have to pay for day care and buy diapers. Instead of going out to a movie in the few hours you have free, you will have to stay home with your baby, who is screaming with colic.  Motherhood is great, but only when you are fully prepared for it.  I was 24 and married when I had my first baby, and she was a screamer.  I literally cried when my husband went to work in the morning because I just wanted a break from her!  I didn't have to do anything BUT take care of her, and it was overwhelming at times.  Please consider this option.


  5. It will come naturally. Perhaps you could read a few parenting books before the baby comes. Is the father still in the picture?

    Sounds like a tough situation. I wish you the very best.

  6. Adoption is a great option.  It will allow you to continue to be a child (and hopefully not get pregnant again until you're ready), it will give your baby a chance at a wonderful childhood and will also make the adoptive couple very VERY happy.  Now is not the time to make a selfish decision.  

  7. Yes, I have been there. First thing you need to do is finish school or continue your education to make a better life for your baby and you. The next thing is always put your child ahead of everything in your life. I wish luck and success.

  8. Love, laughter, patience, consistency, security.  It should come natural when you see that little face.  Congrats on your baby & even though you're young you can still be a great mommy.  Sounds like you need to work on getting out of the environment you are in since it is not a joyful one.  Best of luck.

  9. Im 19 and getting pregnant was the last thing on my mind.

    I couldnt have been more scared when I found out, but now everyday when I look at my belly all I can do is smile.

    your maternal instincts will kick in, dont worry about it hunnie, I'm sure everything will be fine.

    Just make sure you tell the baby you love them everyday.

  10. Honestly, being a mom is all about being selfless. Which sounds a lot harder then it is.  Smiles and laughter from your little boy or girl is all it takes to make it all worth it.  Definitely read some parenting guides, especially regarding caring for a newborn.  Don't worry if it seems like a lot, most of it comes naturally. Don't forget to plan for your baby's future by finishing school and making a life for you two. Enjoy being a mom, and the rest kinda comes to you.  Don't hesitate to ask for advice and then not take it, your instincts as a mom are what count.  Congratulations on your baby, sometimes mistakes that seem like the worst thing ever, turn out to be your best decisions in the end.

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