
I am 16 and can not find a job?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and getting really frustrated trying to find a job. I've already tried a waterpark (they said they're all full), GAP (they said you need to be 18), a hotel near my house (they don't have any jobs I want), and another place (said they aren't hiring).

I live in a touristy beach town in Orange County with lots of shops but I am having no luck finding a job does anyone have any ideas? (and I do not want to work at a fast food restaurant or the grocery store)...


sorry i do not know if this is the right category.




  1. Not really the right category, but I'll answer anyways.  At your age, you can't really be picky.  You just may have to settle for the   grocery store or fast food.  Everyone, at some point, has had  or will have a job they don't like or don't want.  But it's what you have to do if you want money.  Good luck on your search.

  2. So it's not that you can't find a job, you just can't find one you want.  The problem is, with no experience, many jobs will not be available to you.  The other issue is you are 16 and once school starts you will either quit or only be able to work part time.  And then there's the stuff on the weekends you can't miss..parties, football games, etc.

    My point is that most businesses won't hire someone who is 16 because they usually aren't very reliable, long-term workers.  If you want to work because you want some money, you are going to have to settle for what is food, grocery store, etc.  Sorry, but that's the facts of life.

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