
I am 16 and havent had my period in over 8months i am not pregant..why is this ?

by  |  earlier

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my period is normally irregular like could be more then 8months why is this ? i also get heavy discharge and sometimes it can be a brown bloody colour is this normal or is something wrong? am i able to have children ?




  1. don't let people scare you on yahoo...some people say you can't have children over 40 but my aunt did and she was 43 when she was pregnant with a beautiful girl. ANyway, I'm not sure if its normal but i have had that problem before and my period come later anyway. Just wait for it and dont' worry. You're young and hormones are messy during that period so no worries.

  2. Its not right to have this, maybe you are not eating right.  Sometimes if you are anorexic your periods will stop this can damage your insides and you may never be able to have children.  I think you need to see your doctor as soon as possible to sort this out.

    Hope all goes well for you.

  3. There might be all sorts of easily sorted things going on so don't worry, just go to a doctor and get it checked out.

    Have you lost lots of weight recently?  Are you anemic?  It could be anything.

  4. are u underweight?

    cause that happens to people

    who aren't heavy enough.

    if not go see a docter because it could be serious.

    it's better to see a doctor as sooon as possible then wait and make it even worse and un reverseble

    good luck

  5. Err. . . .  thats not normal, You NEED to go to the doctors IMMEDIATLY. as if you havent yet anyway yo !!!

  6. Please don't listen to half these people. I'm also 16 years old I haven't had a period for over a year and i've only ever had one period!! I'm underweight and that interferes with my periods. I haven't been to a doctor though, my mum seems to think i'm fine. Best to go to a doctor and i think i'll take my own advice on that one. Just remember that your not the only one


  7. your period should be a little irregular and the discharge shouldn't be too concernling it could be that you are having small bleeds. i'd go to the dr and ask to go on the pill and i know your parents will ask why you need the pill but there are types of the pill that are low dose that are only to get your periods regular. unless you want the stronger dose for the benefits with birth control too

  8. Don't fret, all kinds of things can cause this. However, ignore all advice other than suggestions to go see a Dr... they can do tests to see what is happening, we can't.

    Have you talked to your Mum? Often late menstruation runs in families and can take a while to settle. A Dr is the best one to help.

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