
I am 16 and pregnant in Michigan. Can I leave and be forced home?

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I am currently 4 months pregnant, and I am 16 years old, living in Michigan. Up until now, everything between my boyfriend and I and our families has been fine. Once everyone accepted the idea, they started getting excited, buying baby items and such. My boyfriend and I are closer than ever, and we never have any problems. He is 17, and he is unbelievably supportive as far as appointments, money, baby shopping, etc. We're both pretty excited about the pregnancy now. Anyway, he lives about an hour away. Because it's summertime, we are able to see each other three or four days a week. However, my mom recently exploded on me, telling me how he is such an awful person, and making up a lot of information such as he's using me, wasting my time, and he's going to leave me. None of this is true at all. He is never rude to her, and he is always making sure I'm okay. So then a couple days ago, my mom turn around is like, "He's not coming over anymore." Then yesterday, I find out she's moving back in with her ex in Tennessee. (Again, we're in Michigan.) My closest immediate family members- father and grandmother- live in Texas and Arizona. My mom simply refuses to understand how unrational she is being taking me away from the supportive father and his family of my unborn child. My mom lives on welfare and refuses to emancipate me (I asked in order to receive 40 hours of work a week due to minor work laws) because if I am emancipated, she will no longer receive her welfare benefits off me. The legal age to move out is 17 if you remain in school here according to police stations and websites. However, I will not be 16 for another two and half months and she is determined to leave. What can I do? I cannot handle being taken away from my boyfriend and his family. They are my major support system for this pregnancy. Can I leave? I am an excellent student (3.9 GPA on a 4.0 scale) and I have a steady job working the maximum hours legal for minors. I am clean and have never touched drugs or anything like that, and I am very responsible. I do not trust my mother with or around my child, as she has never made good decisions with me or her financial affairs. I don't want the cops or anyone else to consider me a runaway, when obviously, that is NOT the case. I will be staying in school and keeping my job, but I just need to leave my mother. Say I went to stay with my boyfriend's family: could the cops take me home or arrest me? I do not want to get in legal trouble but I cannot take all the stress and strain on my pregnancy or emotions. I need my boyfriend, and my mother is being rediculous. Please, please help me out. I cannot find any valid information to help me out online. Will I be forced to go home at 16 in my situation?




  1. you guys are making it sound so easy to be on her own at 16.......just sayin

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