
I am 16 and think I'm depressed..what do I do?

by Guest55926  |  earlier

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I have really really low self esteem. I don't like doing any of the things I used to do. Actually.. I don't really like doing anything anymore. I have no confidence. I cry at least once every day. I thought about suicide twice in these past six months. I didn't attempt it or anything, but I planned how I would do it, and even wrote a letter to my friend. I'm not gonna kill myself because I don't want to hurt anyone that loves me. But I still hurt so much inside.

Right now I am feeling really pathetic for asking this.. but I have no one to talk to. I don't want to tell my mom any of this because she is sick and I have to act happy around her because it isn't good for her health if she gets stressed. I know all of those suicide hotline numbers and stuff, but I know I could never bring myself to call any of them. I am wayy to shy. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about antidepressants? Is it possible for me to get them? And do I need parents permission or something, because I really can't do that.. Thanks for helping.




  1. Go and see your doctor. Tell him / her that you are feeling down and have considered suicide. Explain to your doctor that you are concerned about worrying your parents. In my country (the UK) a 16 year old can consult a doctor independently of his parents.

    You should only get drugs from a medical professional - antidepressants are not something to be toyed with.

    It is fine to ask for help - call one of those suicide help lines and talk to someone about your problems. You don't have to give them your full name or anything. You've taken the first step in getting help by asking a question here, but most of the people on here aren't trained to help you. A suicide hot line will listen to you in an understanding way. There is no need to be shy about it. You are a worthwhile person - I can tell that from the way you care about your mother, so you deserve to feel better and live a happy life. So take more steps in that direction. Talk to a hot line. Discuss with your doctor.

    Good luck.

  2. I was this way when I was younger as well. I am 19 now and off of the anti depressants and doing well. Luckily I had the help of my mom..she actually came to me about my depression, she was very worried about me. She had me go to a psychiatrist and there I was prescribed anti depressants. You will need parents permission...and counseling. Medicine is nothing to fool around with, some of them can make you even more depressed than you are now. It sounds like you really need to get can approach your mom in a way that won't stress her out. Just tell her hey, I am having a lot of emotional issues right now and I think I should get some extra help, I would love your support. Good luck and don't be emabarrased or feel pathetic in asking for help, it's actually really mature.

  3. you need a psycological evaluation before you can know what kind of medication you need to be on if any. you could see a therapist or just go to the school counsler or whatever.  

  4. I'm sorry...truly. I've been there. Its my understanding though that if you're under 18 y/o then you do need parental consent. One of the things you can do to help yourself is determine whether your depression is situational or possibly clinical. Basically, if you have been feeling depressed because of your circumstances like your mom being ill, feeling isolated, etc.. then you may possibly be able to work through it without any meds. Try to engage in the things you used to like to do. Oftentimes our outlook determines our mood. If however, you have been depressed for a very long time and it is not related to things going on in your life, then you may have a chemical imbalance or other form of clinical depression that needs to be medically and therapuetically treated. Please find someone to talk to. Isolating yourself only increases the severity of your symptoms. Talk to your mom, you may not be giving her enough credit. It sounds like you have a great relationship with her based upon your concern for her. It would break her heart to know you were suffering alone and she was not aware of it. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  5. I've felt the same way.  See your doctor asap.  I don't think that they can prescribe you anything without your parents permission, but it doesn't hurt to ask.  And if that is the case, maybe you should talk to your mom?  

  6. we've all been there...  just a hormonal phase...

    you'll get through it...

  7. I've kind of been in the same situation for the past year or so, so sorry if my advice is really suck-ish or something. :/

    Since you're not 18, you can't get antidepressants by yourself. You'd first have to be tested for depression, and then depending on the results, be prescribed medication for it... though, honestly, they aren't for everyone. I have a few friends who are on antidepressants, and they say there really isn't much of a difference.

    I know this probably sounds kind of stupid, but you could try to find something to distract yourself from your unhappiness? Motivation's hard to find when you really don't feel like doing anything, but maybe there's something out there that you're really good at and you just don't know it. Try drawing or writing, things like that can really relieve stress.

    If it gets really bad, you really should talk to someone. Maybe not your mother, but another family member or friend? If you're serious about getting on antidepressants, try to get a relative to have you tested for depression.

    If you want, you can IM me... though, I'm not sure how much of a help I could be. My AIM username is the same as my Yahoo one.

  8. You really do need to tell your mom or dad.  They are the only one's who can help you get the antidepressants.  Don't be afraid.  

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