
I am 16 and want to move out of my mums house and live with my dad is it legal?

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I am 16 and want to move out of my mums house and live with my dad is it legal?




  1. i reckon so,but ask at citizens advice bureau,to make sure.

  2. In the u.k. it is  

  3. It is in the U.K.

    The grass isn't always greener you know!

  4. Should be ok.

  5. If you have to ask...then it probably is not. You should look up the law. Take Care

  6. you are old enough so as long as your dad says you can then just do it your mum cant stop you

  7. yeah it is he is ur parent so there wu b no different dan liven wit ur mum legally wise ...

    talk to him about it he will know whats right for you to do


  8. yep

  9. At 16 it is perfectly legal to move anywhere you want to as long as you have your parents concent.

  10. yes should not be a problem have you spoke to dad about it?

  11. Yes it is legal but make sure you really want to do it and don't fall out with your mum.  Both parents are important as you grow older.

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