
I am 16 but i am only 158 cm height ?pls give me some tips to grow taller?

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is it possible for me to grow taller are not.

Recently my growth is very slow.

friends pls give me some tips.

i am really worried about this?




  1. Perhaps you might find some useful information in a web search for "natural ways to grow taller".

  2. Chicks stop growing when they're like 18 I think.  I'm like 169cm tall and I'm 22.  You're not that short I guess.

  3. Hi,

    You can increase the your hight by doing the body straching excercises or by playing the games like basket ball, volley bal. Drink Milk.

  4. Worrying won't help.  Drink 3 glasses of milk daily.  Eat lots of protein and veggies. And get outside and exercise!

    Men grow till age 25.  Women till age 21.  It's true!  Be patient, and accept whatever life has in store for you. Remember, there are always people WAY worse off than you. :)

  5. since , u r only 16 u 'll definitely grow basket ball,that's the best way.

  6. The best gauge for finding your future growth is the heights of your parents and grandparents, and even great grandparents. As for what you can do, proper nutrients, especially milk for your bones are essential from day one.  

    I doubt that any physical exercises or 'stretching' would, over a lifetime, make even a 1/4 inch difference.

    But if you're destined to not be tall, you might want to do the best you can with what you've got, like good diet, running, and other callesthentics.  If you haven't watched Danny DeVito in 'My Cousin Vinny' do so and you'll see what I mean.  Also, culture, knowledge, intelligence and personality can beautifully round out the person you want to be.  Luck to you.

  7. eat all vitamins and minerals (calcium helps you bones to grow especially)

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