
I am 16 weeks pregant and i was wondering?

by Guest56500  |  earlier

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OK i don't want anyone negative to write anything because i want help not to get mad! I am 16 weeks pregnant and i smoke about 7 cigs a day and I am going to quit today I am not going to have any more cigs and i was wondering if any one else smoked while they were pregnant and i want to know if you think my baby is going to be ok!?




  1. i smoked with all three of my children not a lot but still did they say you could have low birth weight kids but mine were all over 8lb 13oz biggest being 9lbs 11oz as long as your looking after your self and eating health and going for your  regular checks i wouldn't worry best of luck my babies were all born heathy with no heath problems then or now

  2. Yes, all that scientific study into the effects of smoking whilst pregnant wasn't just for fun.

    Smoking CAN have adverse effects on the fetus. Low birth weight, asthma, susceptibility to SIDS, these are all pretty serious, but can be avoided if you just don't light up.

    You baby will probably most likely be OK, but don't be surprised if it ends up with asthma, or is born tiny.

    My mother smoked while pregnant with my sister. -She was born 4 pounds, and has chronic asthma.

    If you can avoid a situation like this, do it!

    Why even play with the risks?

  3. The studies say that babies born to mothers that smoke have a low birth weight or are born early.  I don't really think that quiting cold turkey is the best idea either.  I would say cut down slowly until you are down to none a day.  Your body will go through a shock since it is not getting the nicotine that it is used to and that can be more harmful to the baby than actually smoking 1 or 2 a day.  I did have a friend that smoked during her pregnancy and ended up giving birth at 22 weeks.. her baby died... Its just not worth the risk...  Try to cut back and it will help your baby tremendously.  

  4. If a woman gets pregnant and she smokes, the baby is also addicted to smoking, no matter how far along in the pregnancy. It is best to quit, however, the baby will also go through withdrawls just like the mother. I would recommend weaning yourself from smoking, don't do it cold turkey. Best of luck.

  5. Why would u ask a question like that when u obviously know the answer? You're gonna deprive ur child of education. It says so on the label of the surgeon general it causes birth defects. If u truly care for ur child.. dont mess with it. Dont be selfish.. and short ur kid of being better then what they could be. If u dont want negativity..dont even ask. I can only say ur a dumb stupid kid.. so freakin selfish. And no ur kid isnt going to be ok cuz u know u r not gonna quit smoking...  

  6. For me personally, I never smoked while I was pregnant. Although, my friend (whose mother smoked while pregnant) was born a month early and almost died.

    I, personally wouldnt recommend it. I wouldnt want to take the risk of possibly harming my baby.

  7. My mum smoked one whole pack a day with me. That was her decision to make though.

    I'm here n breathing right!!

    Fact is you CAN smoke and have a healthy baby.

    But why would you want to take that risk? SOOO many people smoke while pregnant, to me, it is extremely selfish. When that baby is born would you blow smoke into its face?

    Your baby will be fine. Congrats on pregnancy and congrats on quiting.

  8. My grandmother smoked during all of her pregnancies...and had 4 healthy children. Is it great? No...but, i think things should be okay.

  9. if you know smoking is bad while your pregnant then why are you asking if your baby is going to be okay?

    the only for sure way for your baby to be okay is to stop smoking!!!!

  10. im pregnant and a smoker i quit with all my kids but 2 and they were still healthy and 9lbs but with the rest i quit i felt to guilty when i went to the doctors with this bub and told her i was struggling to quit she asked how many i smoked when i said under 10 she said i could keep smoking and that was ok i was horrified i did quit at 15 weeks i felt to guilty to smoke  

  11. My Dr. told me not to quit, but cutback. So I did. He said quitting can stress me out, and harm the baby. So I smoked 5-7 a day. The result.  3 pregnancies, 3 big and healthy babies.

    So my Dr.'s suggestion benefited my children.

    My sister, MIL, SIL, Aunt, and Cousins all smoked too, while pregnant. Not 1 unhealthy child in the bunch.

    I am a firm believer if you have good genes, you'll have a healthy baby.  

  12. when my mum was pregnant with me she cut down her intake of cigs to only a few like yourself and i was born healthy, but smoking no cigs is better than 7 i guess so good luck and if your having any probs speak to your dr, congrats on the baby im also 13 wks pregnant!! Good Luck to you and bump! X

  13. so if your going to quit then why would you want to know if other people smoked during their pregnancies? it is not good for the baby because they get less oxygen which can also cause low birth weight but lots of people still have perfectly healthy babies and smoked a pack a day during their pregnancies it is all how you look at it. it would probably be safer if you didn't smoke but everyone has their own opinions i guess. its up to you and what you want to do

  14. Your baby can die!!!!!  Stop immiediatly!!!!!!!!!!  Whatever air u take in the child takes in too.  It can also cause mutations. don't smoke ever again!!!!!

  15. my sisters friend smoked through 3 out of 5 pregnancies she had her babies all turned out healthy and were fine...I am sure you will be okay if you can't quit completely then smoke 1 a day rather than 7 cause thats a little just lowers the birth rate and can increase lung problems when there born....also I don't advise you not to smoke but my sisters friend...the 3 kids she smoked with rarely get sick and the other 2 get sick all the time....thats her word too so I don't know but try to quit it will also help with being healthy and everything else that goes with pregnancy! you baby will be fine! Good luck and have a happy 6 more months!!!

  16. Smoking while pregnancy can cause Low Birth weight and can probably cause your baby to be borne with respiratory problems such as asthma.

    Smoke is bad. Quit!!!

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