
I am 16 weeks pregnant and i was wondering ?

by Guest61488  |  earlier

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I am 16 weeks pregnant and i quit smoking yesterday I was wondering if anyone else smoked when they were pregnant I am not going to start again but i was wondering if anyone else smoked in the beginning of there pregnancy.. and what happened!




  1. I quit smoking as soon as I found out I was pregnant.

    I had learned that when an expectant mother smokes her baby becomes addicted to nicotine and as soon as the baby is born he or she will begin going through nicotine withdrawals and not only will the baby cry allot but it will suffer allot of pain from the withdrawals.

    But nevertheless, my husband and his Aunt continued to smoke around me no matter how much I told them to stop and as a result my baby was born with Hypospadia which required two very painful surgery's to repair the defect.

    He cried and cried and cried every time he had to urinate and the screaming from the pain after both surgerys was unbearable for me to have to listen to.

    And to this day I blame my husband and his worthless Aunt for that.

    But for you I'd say, continue to not smoke because your innocent and helpless baby is relying on you to take good care of her while she's in your whomb.

    Believe it or not but your baby loves you very,very much.

    You're the only mommy she'll ever have.

  2. My sister in-law was allowed 5 a day. I have had numerous doctors say that quitting all together is worse than smoking just a little a day. If you can cut down it is better than quitting all together.

    Both of her beautiful boys came out handsome as ever with no withdrawl symptoms or anything they are perfectly healthy.

    I feel you should quit because second hand smoke can cause asthma which is how I got it. But it would be safer for you to quit after you give birth.

  3. you should have quit smoking as soon as you found out you were with child  

  4. I agree with the first person. What the h**l were you thinking? 16 weeks? God d**n women....

  5. That's like killing the baby.

  6. Well done on quitting!. There is a high chance you have done no harm to your baby at this stage. Just make sure you don't start again and stay healthy.

  7. I was a smoker before I had my child and quit the day I found out (about 1 month after conception).  I know it's really hard to quit, but you will thank that little person everyday for the gift he or she has given you to quit.  Just think, do you want your little one to associate that smell with mommy?  Moms should always smell sweet and comforting.  I would ask your doctor about the possible affects that 16 weeks might produce--you're probably okay.  My daughter is thriving and healthy.  Just keep up the good work and throw those d**n cigs away.

  8. I have known people who smoke their WHOLE pregnancy, including my mother, haha, and the babies have been fine. I smoked during my pregnancy for a bit, because i didnt know i was pregnant, i quit as soon as i found out...i was not very far along, but my son was just fine. Nothing to worry about, just try to stay off of them!

  9. I think my mom smoked when she was pregnant with me in the beginning. I'm not sure for how long but I am 21 and am fine. Actually I am smart and over all doing great.  No effects on me.  They are right you should have already stopped but I understand that there are sometimes other sides to your situation that we might not know.  Hope this is a learning experience for you.

  10. I only know one person that smoked during her entire pregnancy and her son was born with asthma. Could be a coincidence but why take a chance.  Congratulations and good luck.

  11. I am currently pregnant with my first also, I'm due Feb 13th. I personally didn't smoke but I knew many people that did and it had bad effects on the baby, for your health and the baby's health be true to yourself and don't start smoking again. You will be very happy with a healthy baby! Good luck!!!  

  12. i smoked throughtout my first pregnancy and my child was fine but i think thats prolly just the result of good luck. (i was young and stupid) but with my second i stopped when i was about 3 months when i found out. that chld turned out great too.  

  13. There are extensive studies out that indicate smoking harms the baby.  There are warnings on the packs also.  If you are worried about smoking the first couple of weeks before you were pregnant, it is not the best scenario - as long as you quit and don't do it again. Consult your doctor on any effects of smoking up to now. You have to realize that the health of a baby is the most important thing there is (this will become very clear once you have the baby), it is very difficult sitting helplessly by a sick child - you do not want to experience this.  The best thing you could do for yourself/baby is to get some books (from the library, don't spend the money at a store) on being pregnant and how the baby develops, and really read up on the whole process. Pick the right books, I found the book 'What to expect etc' not intelligently written, get something that is very well written. There are a great deal of things you must do to keep everyone in good health, and the best way to care for the baby. Empower yourself and be aware, don't take this lightly.

  14. Ive had friend who smoked throughout their whole pregnancy and their kids are fine. Deffinatley not something to risk though

  15. i quiet cold turkey when i found out with my first and never started back up. It can have bad effects on the baby. i did it without a problem because i knew that i was doing it for the best reason ever

  16. Your most likley going to have a low birth weight baby, and thats if your lucky ther is no other complications like your baby not looking deformed.

  17. Good job on quitting. PLEASE do not start again, babies of Mom's who smoke have lower birth weights and higher risks of defects. Essentially you are poisoning your child. It's just not worth it. Put your baby first, not a nasty habit.

  18. lots of women have a hard time quitting while they are pregnant.. im sure your baby will be fine. what took you so long to quit.. did you not know you were pregnant??

    hopefully the baby turns out fine.. i would talk to your doctor about it..  

  19. Like people are saying, "it's like killing the baby," NO its not. At all. On rare occasions babies come out deformed. My mother smoked with all 3 of us. We're fine. I mean 2 out of 3 smoke.. That's about it. All of her children never had asthma. So your baby will probably be just fine. Good luck

  20. bad effects on your baby!

    No offence, but WHO would be dumb enough to smoke while they're pregnant. that makes me so angry!

    here, read this:

  21. That was so dumb of you! Why would you smoke when you are pregnant?!? It may have harmed your baby and its physical and mental health. Good thing you quit but damage is still possible. Talk to your doctor and I am still in shock that people do that!

    Quit smoking for good!

  22. my friend is 6 weeks pregnant found out at 4 weeks and quit just like that.

    her philosophy was i have a little bubs to keep safe and while smoking i cant do that  

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