
I am 16 year old and live in maryland is it possible for another family to adopt me without my parents consent

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i hate the life i have with my family it is very abusive and i wish to get out of it. i do not wish to live in some random place or with anyone i dont know. i know a family that would adopt me and i was wondering if it would be possible for them to adopt me without the consent of my parents. i have asked my parents many times and their only answer is to send me to military school. i just want to know if it would be possible for this to happen




  1. Simple

    make a reason you cant be with those Parents... BESIDES the fact you dont like them! or get sent to military.(school)



    you can NOT get taken from them, yes you have to have their consent UNLESS you can prove your dying or hurting in that household, BESIDES the fact that you dont like them. you can live with that!


  2. if they petition court for custody of you and can prove you are being abused by your parents yes but it might be expensive if your parents want to fight for you

  3. report them to dhs and then it would be possible i think but wen you get the law involved its usually long and drawn out. good luck!

  4. Uummmm?  Contact a local social worker or school counselor.

  5. maybe you should talk to the police or a social services they would be able to help you with the abuse part and they could take you away from you parents and if that new family wants you they would have to go and talk to social services or who ever holds your case

  6. At 16 some judges will let you relinquish rights from your parents... Has to be for a really good reason though...

  7. call cys (children youth services). but you'll probably have to be given to another family member before nonfamily members whoever is in your best interest and not who you like more.

  8. No. Parents have to consent - or their parental rights have to be taken away from them by a judge.

  9. You can contact child protective services if you are being abused.  They will investigate and go from there.  

    You can also petition the court to be declared independent.  You would need to be working in order to show the court that you can meet your financial needs.Then you can live elsewhere without your parents' consent.

  10. im almost positive your parents have to sign a consent form sorry !! but i know at a certain age which i think is 16 you can just move away from your parents

  11. The world is full of verbal abuse, you better get used to it kid.

    See how easy it would be for a kid to not like his parents rules etc etc and abuse this supposed good service.

    Not saying your lying kid. Just want other to see how easy it would be.

    Best of luck kid.

  12. Maybe call department of human services or a guidence consuler at school, if your getting abused then you shouldnt be living there anyways. But if your parents wont consent to them adopting you then I dont think they can. But if the state gets involved and you are taking from your parents then the adoptive parents would have to fill out paper work and make sure that they meet the criteria to do so. Good luck.

  13. tell the police or someone like that, if you have proof then they won't keep you there

  14. I doubt this will be possible without a significant court battle that probably wouldn't end until after you are 18.

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