
I am 16 year old boy and i like wearing girls clothes(bras,Skirts) what should i do!Should I tell My parents?

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How Should I tell Them? How I do I Dress? Should I wear Makeup?




  1. First things first: this is absolutely normal. you are not alone. The most important thing here is for you to be happy and comfortable. This is something that is personal to you so you should NOT feel obligated to tell anyone anything including your parents.  Especially if your not sure if you want to or not.  Think of it like this:  Just as you would not tell your parents when you go to the restroom, you should NOT feel obligated to tell them this either.  This is nothing to be concerned about. I think the reason you may feel obligated to tell your parents is because you want to have someone to talk to. If this is the case, understand that you are in control here and you are NOT being pressured to tell anyone anything you are not 100% sure you want to. If you were sure about telling them, you would have either already done it or not posted this question. Something that will help though, is finding and reaching out to someone you can relate to. Not a therapist, for this is nothing that needs therapeutic attention, you just need to find someone you can talk to. Someone who has been there before to help you to understand that it is ok and that there is nothing wrong with having these emotions or likings. Try googling things like transgender sexuality, bisexuality, males in womens lingerie and see what you can find.  Or maybe even google “talk s*x: with sue johansen (or sue johanson). She is famous for her words of wisdom when it comes to s*x or sexual behaviors. However, for some people it just as simple as liking to wear girls clothing every once in a while, or only when you are sexually aroused, or it could be that maybe you feel better and more comfortable in women’s clothing and you feel like this is who you should be. This is all normal.  Try to figure out where you stand. Do you feel more secure, more comfortable in womens clothing? Explore all of your feelings, try not to second guess things so much and do NOT worry about how others may perceive what you’re experiencing.  The ONLY reason why you feel insecure about telling your parents is because today’s society is so close minded that is forces people to not want to share their experiences for fear of judgment and rejection and this is terrible that society has done this to so many people. I want you to ignore this fear and any others and just find yourself. There is no rush in doing so. I know you want an immediate answer, but sometimes you just have to wait it out before you can see where your journeys will take you.


    You will have to excuse some people's ignorance here. Sometimes they will do nothing but cut you down and make you feel horrible all because they are rude and shallow minded individuals expressing their opinions in an unacceptable manner.


  2. dress like a guy.

  3. You've asked this question twice, and you've gotten some pretty lame answers Please take a moment to read mine, I think it will help:

    At 16 years old, with hormones raging, young men are prone to experiment with all sorts of new concepts. What you're doing is normal for you, so don't judge yourself too harshly.

    Your parents may or may not understand what you're going through. You know them better then any of us do. Personally, I would not tell them yet... what if this is a passing phase and causes a rift in your relationship? What if they judge you too harshly? When parents try to protect their children, sometimes they can inadvertently do more harm then good.

    If, as you mature, you want to continue cross-dressing, and you're sure it's right for you, THEN tell them. For the next few years, I'd suggest keeping it as your own little secret.

    I'd like to address the issue itself:

    Many answerers have said you're g*y. That may not be the case. To be g*y is to have attraction to the same s*x, and you have not mentioned if you're more turned on by men, women, or both (or neither). Everyone has their own natural sexual preference, and as you explore yours... carefully and safely and smartly, you will start to be able to define yourself as g*y or straight or bisexual.

    Sexual preference aside, everyone has their own natural sexual identity. This is the gender one perceives oneself, regardless of private parts, and I think this is the base of your issue. Some men's brains tell them that they are female even though the mirror tells them opposite. These men may be straight OR g*y... Sexual preference and sexual identity are unrelated. Is this the case with you? Do you want to look female because you feel female? This is an important question for you to explore. If this is the case, you are "transgendered".

    Some men like to dress in women's clothing because they are aroused by this representation of women. It's a "fetish". They like female garments so much that they not only want to see them, they want to be in them.

    Some men like to put on women's clothing as a costume for entertainment value. this is called "drag"... and some men are good enough to make a living doing it.

    It's easy to find resourses in the internet using the key words I've given you, and I suggest doing a little research on your own and maybe finding some people who are in the same boat to help advise you.

    Good luck.

  4. Your telling us this, as if you think its wrong, loads of blokes dress in womens clothes.So what!, if thats what you feel good in, then sobeit, about telling your folks, well we dont know them, so how can we know how they will react.I,ll leave that up to you. keep smiling. lifes too short to be worried.

  5. Well wouldnt your parents see you waering them...that only says one thing..... you should dress like a 16 year old boy


    I dont think you should tell your parents, they'll probably take you

    to a phychiatrist or somefin.

    I saw on TV once this guy like you..but he lives a normal life.

    At least you accepted who u r.

    have you told your freinds?

  7. u r disgusting

  8. u r deffinently weird lol why would you wear girls clothes lamo

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