
I am 16 years old 200lbs and about 5'8". I am reltivly strong...what rugby position would fit me best?

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i am a chunky build and when I say strong I mean I rep about 110lbs.




  1. the new all blacks coach.

  2. too small for a prop. try flanker maybe.

  3. Loose forward, halfback if you've got a good pass or first five if your smart and got a good boot

  4. Go Flanker if your a quicky or front row if your on the chubby side.But let me warn you if you want to score or even touch the ball dont go prop. I am prop and the most times i have touched the ball in a match is 3. It sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. Cheerleader

  6. How translate Ibs in kg and 5'8 in meters ?

  7. Are ou more on the fat, or more on the muscular side? unless you are verry muscular and pretty lean, you should be a prop, otherwise, an 8th man.

  8. prop or hooker! but if you are relatively quick, then possbily flanker

  9. As a former rugby union player , i was a similar build to you . Prop is suitable for you but hooker is more enjoyable as a lot of the play goes through the hooker . I quite liked hooker because it was physical and you see a lot of the ball . But you could adapt to play anywhere in the forwards . Good luck with your rugby mate!

  10. prop def.

  11. I would concur with the above opinions that you are about 20lbs too small to be a prop.  However, given your build and height, i would suggest being a Hooker.  You'll be in the center of the scrum so you'll get plenty of action and you'll get to throw in for line-outs.

    Given your measurements, you're too short to be an effective lock forward, and much too big to be a back or a loose forward.

  12. If your a bit chubby, go front row (hooker or prop)

    If your muscular then go back row (8 man or flanker if you're fast)

  13. Prop

  14. Mate play rugby league, Union is so demanding on your neck in the scrum. Look at all the ugly forwards in Union they end up with battered ears and the like, you will never get any thanks for pushing & shoving around the field especially from girls

    Play second row (in league) or if you have a bit of speed, play on the wing and bomb those weedy kids out the way, just look at Vainikolo he's almost 16 stone& plays on the wing.

    If you are playing union Prop is not a position for you considering your inexperience & size. Another alternative is to play blind side flanker if you like tackling or if you are speedy & can pass a bit maybe open side.

    At the end of the day go with the position you feel you benefit the team and that you feel confident in playing.

    Your coach should be giving you pointers as to where is your best position.

    Good luck

    Read below as to why

    If he is 16 then to play prop he should already be looking at 220-230 minimum even if he has a bit of growing to do.

    Oh hello Ausssie 54 showing you still have no class calling everone a W@nker & still know nothing even after playing Glad you recognise that I'm the 0.1% that has played a better level than you...I thank you..

    Aussie54 you don't get it do you? You cuss everyone who has an opinion & think that is okay????

    I don't care who you are you talk about the past & how it USED to be. The kid is NEW to the sport. In this day and age he needs encouragement to stick with the sport as nowadays there are so many alternatives to turn to for your free time.

    I give realistic advice to a newbie in a sport where he could well feel out of his depth.

    If he is eased into a position were there is less chance of injury & or responsibibilty plus been able to get hands on the ball he is likely to want to keep playing & COULD develop into any position, AT THE MOMENT THAT IS NOT PROP!

    I would love to be able to talk online somewhere else & fence with you on the finer points of rugby & social etiquette for which you seemingly have none but alas been a poor Northerner my mining income will not allow me to stay on t'internet for long as the shilling in the meter has run out.

    Mate you take this all far too seriously, this is a coffee break show.

    Moi a fanatic, methinks not I just know which I prefer & fight my corner. I have played hockey, soccer, rugby(both codes), cricket, all at a competitive level & no not pro level like you my antipodean friend, I honestly prefer league, I give advice because I feel am qualified in my life skills to do so but the internet is free to express opinons You just happen to not like the fact that people don't agree with your own FREE opinon. GET OVER IT this is not a particularly life & death situation is it

    LOL so now you want to stalk me! Offer something constructive instead of slandering others. My explanation of why I believe he should not play prop is evident. Where is yours?

    Here is my personal email address for you to contact me: hum dangle my fish oooh what have I cvaught a big fat juicy aussie forward into my keep net. Lovely will make  change from eating coal!!...come come how am I so far off exactly. My reasons pertaining to the question are clear, you choose to avoid my question in fact as to substantiate your answers.

    I go down to watch the local club 3rd team and it is full of young kids in there, not one of the props is under 100kg the club first team play in Division 3 South I believe (here in the UK) so nothing of a really high standard.

    Maybe just maybe you are in fact wrong Aussie54 accept defeat in this debate gracefully or is that against your combative nature you gladiator you

  15. Prop is the obvious, if you're quick and powerful you might try flanker!

  16. At 16 your coming in at 5'8" and 200lbs, your the same size as I am at 28 and I have been playing in the front row for a decade.

    Trust me if you try 8 Man you wont be able to see over the scrum to see how the other team is set which is important at that spot, but If it's what you want to do then keep in mind that no one knows what your going to look like in 4 years.

    You say your strong then you might fit best in the front row. Bottom line though is that your young, so try every position that looks like fun to you and then decide where you like to play and then start working your butt off to be the best at that position that you can be.

  17. Ok so i'm 5'7" and 225 and I play in the states, and I have hooked, propped, and been a weak side flanker.  I like all of those positions.  Flanker was my favorite, but it depends on what you want if you dont like the position you won't have fun for one and two you won't put everything you have into the game.  I still have a lot to learn because I'm only 18 but i'm already playing at the mens club level (divison2), and i look forward to many more years on the pitch.

  18. You are 16 years old you are about to experience a growth spurt which may or may not change your height to weight ratio. At the moment you are in the pigs (the best place to be) in 3 years who knows, you may be a back so just in case practise dropping the ball. Listen to your coach try as many positions as possible, be flexible, but if you can be a hooker god will smile on you

  19. Prop would suit you best.

    If you are 200 pounds of muscle maybe you could go out as an 8-man. But if you have a husky build, you should definately be a prop!

    Tell me if you have anymore questions or need help with rugby man!

  20. i think prop would best suit you..

  21. 16 years old, 200lb - those of you that say he's too small to play prop obviously have no idea what you're talking about!!!!

    He's 16 for fu<ks sake - he's not playing Super 14!!!

    Alex, you sound like you have the build for a tighthead prop or hooker. Don't listen to these waankers that say you're too small for the front row!!! I played at a higher level than 99.9% of those posting on here, at both hooker & tighthead. I weighed about 95kg when I was your age (209lb), until I discovered the gym!! I'm still only 5'9".

    Hit the weights - low reps, heavy weights. Concentrate on the big muscle groups - chest, back, legs, shoulders. Find a good mentor (ie an old front rower who's played at a decent level) & learn everything you can off them. A good small prop will beat a poor big prop any day - work on your scrummaging technique. In fact, being a short tighthead can cause a lot of problems for an opposition loosehead, as you'll be able to take him down a lot lower in the scrum than what he's used to.

    Be prepared to cop a hammering on the field - we all do at some stage. You'll ALWAYS come across someone who is better than you, no matter what level you play at. Learn from it & don't make the same mistakes twice.

    Front row play will never be understood by anyone that doesn't play there - if you want to be a glory boy & score all the tries, play in the backline. The front row is for real men, not pu$$ies!!! Games are won & lost up front - if you don't win the ball for your team, the glory boys are nothing! They can't score points if they don't have the ball.

    For all you americans out there - there is no such thing as an "8 - man". I believe the term you're looking for is "Number 8"

    Thanks for your kind comments Tony F - if only you knew who/where I played!!! I don't see any need to big note myself on here, but I can guarantee that you aren't the 0.1% pal. In any case, what would you know about union? You're obviously another uneducated league fanatic - you'd get on well with "hotsurfie" with your ill-informed answers......

    A 16 year old kid wanting to play rugby in the USA - 91kg is ample to slot into the front row!! It would also be ample to play up to colts level in Australia too!!

    I don't live in the past as you've suggested, but what I do possess is a modicum of common sense, (something which you seem to lack). In fact, seeing as you've just revealed your age, I can tell you I'm only 2 years older than you!

    If you'd like to open up your lines of communication, I'd be more than happy to take this debate away from these forums & continue it via email. Perhaps you don't want to do that as it would quickly become apparent that you have no idea what you're talking about. Stick to the rugby league questions - (you know, that little game played by about 5 countries that you think is so great. The rest of the world must have it wrong by preferring union, eh?)

    Tony F , you are so far off the mark with your last little diatribe, it's laughable! Are you sure you're not "hotsurfie" in disguise??

    As for the communications, all you have to do is allow other Yahoo users to email you....... why are we all blocked from doing so????

  22. Dont listen to any of these Americans, your to short and bulky to play at Number 8, and certainly not to light to play Prop, im from New Zealand and I have been in close contact for a number of years now with the Chiefs rugby club in Hamilton, New Zealand, The Chiefs play in the Super 14 which is arguably the best domestic rugby competition in the world.

    Now I cant translate any of this into medieval metric terms, but im 16, 5'9, 75kg and I play hooker and loose head prop, now I am on a programme which can secure me in the Chiefs under 17 side.

    By the way dont listen to any American spectator as they dont watch any premier rugby, nor do not listen to any American that doesnt play atleast first grade rugby.

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