
I am 16 years old and i and learning to drive...what should i do?

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this is my first time driving...ever...and i went with my dad and he really didnt say much...when i went with my brother he lost his patience easily and pretty much gave up on me when i did't get it...and now that i had my first drive time with an instructor he tried teaching me and then totally gave up on me...or that is what it looked what should i do so that i can learn how to drive with out someone giving up on me or not saying anything?...Help Please




  1. They are probably nervous

    but get someone trustworthy to help you

  2. If you are learning to drive, then the person in the seat next to you usually loses his or her patience because it is stressful to be in a car with someone who isn't experienced.  Driving is one of the most dangerous things we as humans do because one wrong move can destroy a life or do serious damage.  My advice is to study the rules of driving, so that you can apply them during your lessons.  If you can prove to whoever you are driving with that you can follow the rules of the road, then they will begin to trust you.

  3. My daughter is also working on getting her license.  We are still looking into schools but I have found that some have driving simulators (probably like the kind your parents may have used!) Lessons like this may help to make you more relaxed in real life situations.  Also if you are not comfortable with the instructor that the school assigned to you, by all means talk with the school and ask for a different instructor.  We all have different learning styles and ways of communicating.  I learned to drive in vacant parking lots until I was really comfortable with how the car handled... that may also make it easier for you.  Best wishes to you...

  4. sometimes parents/siblings are the worst teachers.they aren't as patient as a professional teacher.even if you're not in school,should be pretty easy to contact a professional whose job is to teach driving good luck

  5. Stick with the driving instructor.  That's your best bet.  Just be patient.  It'll all work out.

  6. Find a qualified driving instructor, be patient with yourself, and best of luck to you!

  7. I think you need to choose somebody in your family first to work things out with to boost confidence(maybe?) before you try with the instructor. If you choose your dad than you need to ask him to comment more, to provide more guidance. Tell him you feel like you're not progressing because you're maybe not getting enough direction.

    If you choose your brother than you need to tell him that you think you'd do better if he were more positive, supporting, and patient with you. Tell him when he gets so frustrated so quickly you lose patience with yourself and your drive to do better.

    Communication! That is the key! AND, maybe you could look online for some driving tips; for things you're having trouble with. Good luck!

  8. Just keep at it.  Listen to what other drivers are telling you when you drive with them.  Make sure to pay attention at all times; things will get easier as you practice.

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