
I am 16 years old and want to join the 2012olympics for track/field. how do i get into it and train properly?

by Guest67140  |  earlier

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Right now i can run 100 m in about 10 sec and i have had no training. i simply enjoy running. does anybody know how i can get into the summer olympics 2012? how would i get recognized? Is it expensive to be a sprinter in the olympics? how would i have to train myself? Thanks.




  1. get your coach or sport team director to set you up with some track events, win em and your on your way, but 10 flats only 5- 6th place so you gotta get stronger and faster...............................

  2. i hate to say but you dont have a good chance at getting in the olympics... you have to dedicate your whole life trianing just to get in the olympics, look at Shawn Jhonson, shes probly trained since she was 6 years old to get in the olypics! there are 14 year olds who train their whole life to a sport, like say diving for example have you seen the dives they do? plus you have to be rich pretty much to even try out to be in the olypics... so unless youre rich and really good, then i would forget it

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