
I am 17 and got caught speeding 16 MPH over the speed limit on the freeway. Is it considered reckless driving.

by  |  earlier

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I live in california and have had my lisence for under a year




  1. I don't think that would be reckless, although it will come with a good fine and most likely some points on your license.

  2. No over 20mph or above 100mph is considered reckless in Massachusetts and generally other than that it up to the cops discretion to charge that or not. If you are 17 you may want to make sure you are not JOL or you may lose your license. as you have been driving clean for over 6 months. Also your citation would mention being reckless.

  3. Not reckless but here is the cost for your ticket..........

    The statewide schedule calls for a fine of $266 for 16-25 mph over the limit plus penalties, taxes and assessments.

    If the address on the citation is correct, your courtesy notice should come within a few weeks, but you may be able to take care of the ticket on-line.

    If you can go to traffic school, that will cost a bit more, but keep it off your record.

  4. not sure in california but in nevada Yes

  5. hahah then your in my position too

    where you live in CA? i was going in Chico 89mph instead of 65mph and i got a ticket but its not reckless driving its only a speeding ticket and i got to go court. Usually if you follow the judge at court and just cooperate they will tell you to take a driving class for about 6hrs at some point and pay like 60 bucks when your done.

    hahaha thats what happend to me

    then they give u a record for 3 years until then drive safe cuz one more and your suspended

    peace out and good luck

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