
I am 17 and i just got a new......?

by Guest64210  |  earlier

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job when i already had a job . so basically now i have two jobs. The problem is the new job wants me to work mon-fri and 1pm-9pm. every week and thats just to much i mean i can't work 40 hours im still in school and i need time to hang out with my friends so how do i tell them that i want less hours?

P.s my first day of work is this friday




  1. Why did you get a job somewhere that wants you to work that much?

    You should communicate how many hours you want to work, and your availability at EVERY job.

  2. Just write down your availability(the hours and days you are able to work). Once you let them know, they should respect you going to school.

  3. i don't know where you live but in florida you cant work more than 28 hour a week while school is in session

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