
I am 17 and pregnant, i live with my boyfriend (baby's daddy) my parents are divorced, i lived with my mom...?

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she didnt want me to keep the baby so i moved out, my dad paid 275 a month for child support which i really need right now for car payment to get me back and forth to school so i can graduate in may, my mom says he has to keep paying her till im 18, is this true? is there anything i can do? also my mom works at DHS and we're not even on speaking terms. if you have any advice i will really appreciate it, thank you for your time




  1. the concept of child support is that it is ordered and paid to the other parent, for supporting the child, WHILE THE child is actually living with the parent.  Meaning.. the support goes to the other parent.  

    You chose to 'move out'.  Mom is no longer supporting you (providing you with a home, not car), by your choice. There is no court order that says he pays money to you, ever.  

    Seems like you are asking to have things both ways... you want to be considered an adult, as far as the right to chose to move out.  You want to be judged a child, in terms of the right to get money/ support.

    When my daughter moved out, for the same reason, I notified her father that he no longer had to pay support at all.  I probably could have filed her as a runaway, but it did not seem worth the effort.

    Legally, he owes money to mom, unless there is a court order otherwise.  Since you have moved, the idea is that you demand the right to support yourself, and make all the decisions.

    Keeping or not keeping your baby is something anyone can decide for you.  Don't get me wrong.  But, if you decide to be pregnant and live with the dad... he needs to be the one supporting you.  

  2. If you're not living with your mother, your father can take it to court and if he can prove that you're no longer being supported by your mother, the court can stop the child support.

    Oh and your mother was right. You want to ruin your life instead of living your life first.

  3. Who's going to support this baby?  275 a  month is not going to cut it.  

  4. Well, you could always get emancipated.. You wouldn't get the child support, but then again, neither would your mom.

  5. you will become a single mum on bennfits for the rest of your life why don't you use protection?

    17yrs old and having a baby.

    Ask your self this can you finaclional support that child and you provide a stable up bring for that child, are you mental grown up eought to be a mum and are you ready to f uck your life up at 17yrs old I think the answer to all of them are NO!!!

    up too you you have to live with it!!!!

  6. That money is for you not for her. He's paying to support you not her. Contact your dad if possible and tell him what is going on, if he's paying, he would make sure you got the money, have him get his company to change the address where the check goes. If you mom complains, tell her to take it to court.  

  7. You need to take responsibility for your own life as quickly as possible.

  8. He'll have to go to court to have the child support stopped from going to your mom, but because you're under 18 and both parents are still responsible for you you'll have to become emancipated in order for you to cut ties from them all together.  This of course means you won't get the child support either, unless your father agrees to send a check to you.  In order to become emancipated you have to PROVE that you are able to support yourself, so the next question you need to answer is how are you planning on supporting yourself and your child? Is there any way you can live with your father until you turn 18?  If your boyfriend is over 18, there are some legal ramifications for him that your parents can pursue if they choose, depending on what state you live in.  Assuming you don't want your boyfriend to go to jail, I would urge you to think of your future and the future of your child and reconsider moving out on your own at your age in the condition you are in.  You are going to need emotional as well as monetary support to get through the next few months, and shutting your parents out completely isn't what you want to do.  I'm sure your mother is extremely disappointed in you right now and it will take her some time to get over it (been there) but don't think for a minute that she'd rather you were living out on your own than with her.  Pick up the phone and give her a call - you need her whether you want to admit it or not.

  9. its called child support... makes no sence for her to recieve child support if she has no child to support  what the court can do is have your father pay the adults in the house hold that is taking care of you cuz you are "their child support"  and your mother can end up owing back to your father for the money she recieved when you were not living there...

    BUT you would need proof of move out date... =)  

  10. If you aren't living in the house, you could ask your dad to send you the money, but, you would have to have it approved by the court.

  11. I thought the father pays until the kid is 18 or if you marry.

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