
I am 17 and want to open my own bussiness im not sure what I want my busssiness to be for any suggestions?

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I am 17 and want to open my own bussiness im not sure what I want my busssiness to be for any suggestions?




  1. One really good option is to look into having a home based business in an industry that you like.  You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business, without all the over head expenses. Almost everything you use daily in your home are tax write off's. A huge income opportunity for you there working from home.  I created a blog on my 360 yahoo page on home based business opportunities.  Over half a dozen different ones to choose from in several different industries.  Also a lot of information on scams, what to look for the BBB, and a few other things you should be educated on.

    If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

  2. It has to be somewhere you like to go and you would have fun doing it.

  3. Hello Sara,

    When your thinking of starting your own business, you really need to focus on what you like to do. What are your hobbies, interests, or passions. When you narrow that down, you will be ready to start a business.

    Do you want something on the web-to avoid the expensive costs of over-head expenses? That's what I would suggest. If you are interested in how I built my own web business, I would be happy to help, but you'll have to contact me through my profile!

    I hope I've been a bit helpful, and Good Luck!

  4. I suggest something pertaining to your own interests but also one that can provide something people do need.

    It's the only way you will make money without going insane.

  5. The internet is the only way to go when start up capital is not readily available. Try seeing if you can make money selling things on ebay.

    Also try writing down what you can do better than other people. Write everything down and see if you can make money of any of your capabilities.

  6. it really depends on waht you are interested in

    good luck

  7. It has to be something that interests you and that you are at least partially familiar with.

  8. Pet sitting, lawn care, House/office cleaning, there even this guy I seen that goes to you and change the oil in your car, (I seen him in parking lot at work), sitting for the elderly, etc...

  9. you gotta do some research and find something that people need. it helps if youre passionate about it.

  10. nope

  11. maybe go and be an understudy in a company for a year and see what you like and dislike....

  12. Get a college education before you start a business. Its harder than it seems and your still young and I am sure you will want to go out and enjoy things. Hard to do so when your starting a business...long hours.

    Good Luck to you and take Care!

  13. Lawn care, or pool cleaning service.

  14. you might want to take some college classes like buisness classes before you do anything.

  15. you need to start with a business plan or no one will give you a loan to startup. plans are about 35 pages long, FULLY researched and semi-professionally produced.  you need to pick something you know you can do and will love then research how and why it will be profitable, how and where you will produce, and when your going to make money.

  16. starbucks

  17. It needs to be a field that you love. If you are starting a business, you will have a tremendous amount of ups and downs and you will surely have to fight for it to thrive at some point in time. You will need passion for what you're doing and a lot of knowledge in the field to succeed. You are 17 with many years ahead of you. My advice is to go through college with some business classes, try out different part time jobs, clubs and activities and you may find your true passion to pursue in that direction.

  18. I have 15 yrs experience making money at home

    online and in real world doing my own business !

    I Swear TO GOD YOU never Saw anything like this in YOUR life!

    NO COST! NO FEES Ever after joining YOU get everything FREE ! Full training Support Staff Forum Live Team calls every week A Real BUSINESS YOU control !

    NO SELLING No buying anything NO CALLING !

    Experts that devolped this system's servers are the Same IT team that devopled AOL IBM and SKYPE ! THis is the NEXT GOOGLE or Microsoft !

    THIS is NOT a Website YOU have NO COST ever TO Join it's a NEW technology that will upgrade the Whole World to WEB 2.0 intercativity !


  19. i think u should start a business of selling some home made pickle or something coz  small things reach great heights!   good luck friend!and u seeem 2 b intresting so u can add me

    my e mail id is-

  20. walk around your community and either look or ask people what your community needs or really wants.

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