
I am 17 my sister is 18 can i visit a jail with her since shes immediate family or no since she isnt my parent

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I wanna visit my boyfriend, im 17, my sister is already on his visiting list because she is 18, can i go visit with her since she is immediate family and considered an adult, or would i be denied since she isnt my parent?




  1. Your boyfriend is NOT immediately family.  It would depend on the facility and their visiting regulation.  You may have to be accompanied by an adult.  Eitherway, you will have to fill out a visiting application, have a background check completed, and then be placed on his approved visitors list.  Answering for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, I would not approve your visiting form based on your age.  You would have to be accompanied by a guardian or adult.

  2. They'll probably deny you.Sounds like a winner.In jail and all.

  3. Alot of people are geting things mixed up. The asker is 17 & want's to visit her boyfriend in jail. What she is asking is would her 18yr old sister be acceptable to accompany her to the facility since whe needs to be acompanied by an adult.

    Whether or not your sister can go with you will depend on the facility. Some will require a parrent only, where as some will allow older siblings/reletives with parental permission. Your best bet is to contact the facility and ask what the rules are for underaged visitors.

    On a more personal note, given that this individual is incarcerated, you may want to reconsider your relationship with him. If this is his first time and he's willing to get help, then he might deserve a second chance, but if he has a history of problems then he's likely to eventually drag you down too.

    - David

  4. yea you can they let me into a high security prison alone to visit my uncle and im 13 so im sure theyll let you in

  5. Hello Marissa. It is always helpful to identify the state you are living in when asking a technical question, but I will answer for the state of Ohio.

    Any minor can visit a relative who is incarcerated in this state provided they are on the visiting list, they are accompanied by an adult ( person 18 or older who is also on the visiting list) and is a direct relative of the inmate.

    In your case (in this state), you would not be allowed to visit until you turn 18 yourself. You could then list yourself as a "friend" and come in on your own.

    Best advice since all states are different is to call the facility itself, ask for visitation and give them this question. They will tell you what their rules are concerning visitation.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

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