
I am 17 weeks pregnant and over the last 3 days my hips have been sooo achey is this normal this early on?

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I am 17 weeks pregnant and over the last 3 days my hips have been sooo achey is this normal this early on?




  1. Yes, I'm afraid so.  During the last trimester of my first pregnancy, every step hurt.  It gets better a couple of months postpartum.

  2. Yes, your hips are beginning to spread and the muscles and ligaments in there are starting to relax and become more flexible - that hurts a lot throughout the pregnancy.  The two things I found most helpful was sitting crosslegged for 20 minutes at night (it stretches out your hip muscles) and using an excersize ball - I sat on it and rolled my hips in a circle on the top of it (if you picture rolling your hips - all the way back to stretch that lower back area, all the way forward to stretch the pelvic area, etc.

    I read a lot of things to try but those worked the best for me.  

  3. I am 20 weeks and I am so happy to hear of someone else having this problem! It is completely normal and I am still having the pain. I found that sleeping with a pillow between my knees helps. My doc also told me to take Tylenol (in the recommended doses) if the pain gets too bad. I have also been seeing a chiropractor.  

  4. completely normal and it only gets worse from there I have to say. Well atleast Im 22 weeks Monday and I still have these pains. The cause of them is all of your ligaments, muscles, and joints streching, making way for that beautiful baby of yours that will soon be here!!

  5. Yes--me too!  I'm now 18 w 1 d, and it's been going on for a while.  I read that our joints are becoming looser to prepare for child birth. Also, I used to sleep on my back and now I've had to get used to sleeping on my sides as they recommend, and my hips are so sore in the morning I can barely get up.

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