
I am 17 years old and would like to go to France to be an au pair. Do I need my mums permission to go?

by Guest33830  |  earlier

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My mum and dad are separated, so my mum has guardian of me. I have my dads permission.




  1. You're going to have to wait a year as an Au Pair must be at least 18 years old and no older than 30.  Permission from your parents cannot change the minimum age requirement.

    American citizens coming to France to work as an au-pair must obtain the appropriate au pair visa in the U.S. from the French Consulate having jurisdiction over their place of residence. This requirement is mandatory: it is not possible to enter France as a 'tourist' and then change status to that of au-pair.

    The organizations listed below assist students in finding au-pair employment.

    • Accueil Familial des Jeunes, 23 rue du Cherche-Midi, 75006 Paris; Tel: 01 42 22 50 34

    • L’Alliance Française, 101 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris; Tel: 01 42 84 90 00

    • Institut Catholique, 21 rue d'Assas, 75006 Paris; Tel: 01 45 48 31 70

    EDIT: If you're a citizen of the UK the situation may be somewhat different. If you're a resident of Wales you reach the age of majority at 14 and if a Scot at age 16. In England its 21 and in Northern Ireland it's 18. Since the UK is member of the EU then any adult has (in general) the right to live and work in any other EU country including France.  So I suppose that 14 year old from Wales could demand that the French government give them permission to live and work in France.

  2. Hiya,

    I think you better contact the French Embassy in the US to get those information.

    They will also give you advices and tell you which "Au Pair" agencies are recognize by the French government.

    Here are the French Embassy web site :

    Good Luck,


  3. are u going just to be an au pair or are u doing that along with going to school? well anyway talk to your mum first....good luck

  4. As you are a minor you need permission from your legal guardian. If you are going through an au-pair company they will want a signed statement. And to get a passport if you don't have one you need her signature too.

  5. If you have shared custody between your parents, then it's ok if your dad says yes.

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