
I am 17 years old with a G.E.D. and want to join peace corps as soon as possible.?

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What should I do to prepare myself and what steps should I take to making that happen?

How old is the avg. volunteer?




  1. go to also  go to community college and transfer to university then you can work at'peace corps  and get payed more $$$$  or you can do it your way the low way

  2. I would honestly think about heading to college.  Most volunteers have a college degree or at least the equivalent.  If not, you need years of volunteer experience.  Definetely check out and read up about the different countries they work in and what "subjects" they work with.  I would suggest choosing one of their "subjects" and focusing your volunteering on it.  Interested in health education?  Get your EMT license and volunteer with the read cross.  Interested in teaching?  Become a tutor for kids.  There are simple things you can do to build up your volunteer resume.

    The average age tends to be from 25-30 but it can really range from 21-70.  I'm heading to Mali in two weeks with the Peace Corps and from what I can tell my group is mainly late twenties with quite a few people who are graduating from college this year.  The oldest person in our group that I know of is probably in her early 40's.

    It's not too early to begin thinking about it  It does take on average a year to apply and you need to rack up the experience.  Good luck!

  3. Here is their website.  It will tell you everything you need to know.  I looked into it about a year ago and they do have requirements you have to meet.  Check out their website and don't be afraid to contact people from the Peace Corps to answer your questions.

  4. You could start by studying the peace corps and learning about what it's really like. I used to have a peace corps volunteer as a penpal.  I think this is a great goal to have.  But I think it is also a huge  decision, one that takes a lot of thought!  So you should talk to people about it, lots of people-your friends and parents as well as teachers, anyone you respect.  I am sure there is a website-google it and see what you find out.  Good luck!

  5. > I plan on going to college first because you usually need to know something before helping with it right? : )

    Thank goodness! I search for the words "Peace Corps" and "Peace Corp" every week or two. Some people get tricked by that silent "s" ar the end. Others think you can do a three-month term in the Peace Corps between high school and college.

    92% of all PCVs have a college degree. The rest have 10 - 50 years of exerience.

    Many of them are a year or two out of college. A wonderful career path woud be to major in secondary education, teach for a year or two in the USA, then apply to the Peace Corps. Another would be to major in a health-related field, work for a year or two, then apply. You can go in right out of college; about half of my daughter's training group had just graduated. You normally get just one shot at college, and it has to last you the rest of your life. Major in something you love and can do both in the Peace Corps and back home.

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