
I am 18, who should I vote for Obama or McCain?

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I am 18 so i can vote. i just got done watching that UtubeSongGirl video on It was really good and it made me cry. Now I have to figure out "who will lead us through the storm." Maybe you guys should watch the video, then tell me who you would vote for.




  1. Too bad that the country placed such a heavy burden on your shoulders. Just stay home and play with your Utube stuff.

  2. Obama.

  3. you need you shut out all these people and make up your own mind ... look at the facts and use your own judgement.

      If you can't do that ... DON'T vote .

  4. I hope you vote on more than the suggestions of youtube and/or Yahoo to make your decision.   Find out what they each believe in and fight for, then base your decision on what most resembles your views.

  5. McCain will send 2,000 more troops into Iraq, whereas Obama will bring them home.  Also, Obama will actually somewhat help the economy for the mid-low classes, as compared to McCain's worthless 2% gas tax cop-out, HA... then, McCain (like all neo-Cons) will turn around and support big business (Free Enterprise, bs) to earn a buck off of the consumption (sales) tax.  Obama has some moral issues, but that doesn't affect his presidency at all.  He DOES have experience, and as much as I hate the b*****d, I'm gonna have to settle for him... NO, wait... VOTE FOR RON PAUL!!!!==> the ONLY pro-lifer against the war in Iraq and b.a. economical policies, who wants to diminish the U.S. plague of this f'd up 2party system... A TRUE POPULIST.... JOIN THE REVOLUTION!!!

  6. You are about to enjoy one of the greatest freedoms we have as an America, the right to vote. Your pick will have a major impact on your life, so you should not get other people's personal opinions. People from both sides will tell you good things you want to hear and then you will be more confused.

    Take time to research each candidate and what they stand for. Pick the person that speaks directly to you and the issues that you are concerned about.

    Congrats on your first vote...make it count.

  7. I would look into all the candidates such as nader and Barr before making a decision.

  8. If you really care....McCain.

  9. Decide who will likely send you off to war.  Then vote.

  10. Depends on if you plan to work hard and be successful or if you want a check from the government. If you plan on being successful vote for McCain if you want to be a slacker and get a free ride vote for Obama.

  11. How about reading something of substance and educating yourself.  Whether you vote for McCain or Obama makes no difference if it is not an informed vote.

  12. Your vote is a sacred thing not to be taken lightly.  Do your homework on each candidate and see which one matches closely enough with what you feel about the direction of the country.

  13. Do you want to sit around and be treated like a child, or do you want to be an adult and have a decent work ethic?

    If the former, Obama; if the latter, McCain.

  14. Obama wants change?

    We'll give him change.

    We'll vote republican for the first time in our lives.


    1. Because NObama is the Wright change.

    2. Because we want Hillary 2012.

  15. well i am voting my heart and my mind... i listened to Obama.. and i like him.. have listened to McCain and had to turn him off..couldn`t bear to watch and listen to another word that dribbled from his mouth.. as soon as i heard him say that people that are losing their homes due to foreclosure are irresponsible losers, that did it for me.. i turned him off and out of my thoughts..i am Obama in `08... i love to listen to him speak and haven`t heard anything that would make me not vote for`s time for a change... trust yourself and you will vote the best man in for the job..which is Obama ...

  16. I won't tell you who you should vote for, I will tell you to read up on the candidates and then vote for who you think will best serve the country. I don't care if you vote Republican, Democrat or Libertarian as long as you cast an educated vote.

  17. So are you going to vote with your heart? Based on things that can be made to portray anything? things that make you cry?

    Or are you going to gather facts & make a decision based what the candidates have actually done?

  18. You can't ask somebody to make that decision for you. That's what happens when you're a child; someone decides everything for you but you're an adult now and you need to choose for yourself. Listen to both the issues at hand. Study up. Are you a democrat or a republican? Look at the pros and cons of voting for either or.  It takes a lot of research to put full thought into your decision. I'm 14 and I avidly listen to politics. I know what party I am and I like listening to what each candidate has to say, and I know who I'd vote for if I was 18, which I can't wait to be so I can express my own opinion on matters. So do some research and decide on your own without having someone else say for you. Your opinion matters and these things should not be chosen lightly. Good Luck!

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