
I am 18 and getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. Any suggestions or things i shouldn't do?

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like eating, slepping or anything... please help




  1. use wet tea bags in your "holes" helped me alot.  You will be fine..I had all four of mine pulled at once..but I had dry sockets just HOPE you dont get those!  good luck and remember the tea bags!

  2. Prepare to eat many soft foods(soup, pudding, applesauce).  If you eat soup, don't eat anything with little pieces of food, like rice or chicken.  If it gets stuck in your wounds, they may infect them.  Rinse your mouth with water and salt religiously.  It will really help keep the swelling under control.  You are going to have a funky taste in your mouth for about 2-3 days, as a result of the extraction.

  3. Umm... I'm only ten, but my sister got them out.

    Okay, I would suggest that you don't sleep all that much, you will probably want to sleep when the procedure is finished. Don't drink anything or eat anything for a while before it, your dentist or whatever is doing this should have told you when you had to stop eating and drinking, but I'm not sure. Maybe you should ask the person whos doing thiswhat else you should do.

  4. dont eat after midnight tonight. buy pudding or soft foods to eat.   You will feel good the next day and all will be back to normal.  Just tomorrow you will be very sleepy, and not care about anyting.. ( if your being put under).  You wont be in much pain, the meds work well.   Good luck

  5. Eat soft foods (jello, ice cream, mashed potatoes, etc.)

    The doctor will probably give you advice as well and will probably give you some sort of medication. But even if you rinse salt water in your mouth it should clean it. If your mouth gets swollen, just put on ice pack on it and you'll be fine. If it's really sore still, Advil/Tylenol are always options. Good luck

  6. If your oral surgeon allows be put under general anesthesia. Get plenty of sleep tonight and don't eat after midnight if surgery in the morning if in the afternoon give it about 4 hours ( or follow doctors advice) .. most important is get home prepared with soft foods... don't eat things that are too cold or too hot!  Have things on hand like pudding, jello pop cicles.. work your way to the really cold stuff.  Take your pain meds as soon as you pick them up vs waiting for the anesthesia to wear off that way you have overlaping coverage.

    DO NOT USE STRAWS!! the suction can give you dry socket.. OUCH!  Also don't smoke that can do the same things.

    Good Luck :)

  7. Don't scream at the dentist , he will charge you an extra $20 for screaming .

  8. Just be prepared to eat softer foods for a while and to not hurt the stitiches. Take plenty of pain medication before bed!

    If you play a musical instrument, this will set you back for about a month as well.

  9. No eating until your opp

    Uh, wear comfortable clothing

    dont go into it thinking its gona hurt (mine didnt)

    have movies ready to watch and try and sleep as much as u can

    it can be a pretyt easy op for some people. mine didnt hurt, i didnt swell much and i recovered in a few days. so keep a positive attitude.

  10. hello there!

    I got mine out a year a go, but i am alot younger, do not eat or drink anything before you go, because you will get sick. Trust me. right after you are done either drink pop, milk, smoothie, or something to drink that is filing after the surgery is done. If you do this it is less likely to get sick again. Your cheeks will get puffy, and it is really hard to eat solid foods, so you will have to eat alot of soft foods and liquids. DO NOT HAVE GUM AFTER! stick to mints because its really hard to brush your teeth afterwards!

  11. be prepared to eat mashed potato...for a few days...and be prepared to see blood...

  12. I have had a number of teeth pulled out in my life........

    I recommend sleep actually as the dentist will give you some strong pain killers to take home and this will probably make you sleep.........the more sleep u have the more you are not worried about eating as this is quite difficult on the first day.

    Take the whole day off to just go home and relax and try to have some one to help you and prepare a sandwhich or some thing  for you as you will not feel the best....

    You will need to eat on the opposite side to the pulled tooth.

    The dentist should give you a booklet on do's and dont's................

  13. Got to sleep as soon as you get home. If they give you pain medicine take it before the pain is at its worst, and keep it coming at regular intervals.

    Cold drinks and milkshakes are amazing. Hot foods aren't so good feeling the first couple days, and I would avoid almost every food that you can't swallow without chewing for at least the  first full day. I also wouldn't eat anything like nuts for a few weeks no matter how you feel. A month after I got mine out, I was eating pumpkin seeds and one got stuck in my gums because it was still soft. They had to take it out at the dentist's office. It really sucked.

    Also, don't try to talk with the gauze in your mouth. I tried and I gagged and almost threw up all over the place.

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