
I am 18 and have never been abroad is this a problem?

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I have never been abroad and its not because i dont want to there are so many places i want to go.when i was younger family didnt have much money and after that ive had work all the time and tend to spend my money i get on travel to work college and parties and saving for computer stuff however ive had people say i basically have no life because i havent left the country which really annoys me and just because you have been abroad doesnt make you a more exciting person. I hate to be judged on this as i cant wait to travel its the money factor that is the problem what are your thoughts?




  1. My first time I travelled abroad was when I was 26, basically for financial reasons. (Now I am 34) You really dont have to worry about it. Nowadays with the internet and the tv you can know everything about a country without being there.

  2. what college/university are you going to?

    many colleges and universities offer "study abroad programs" where one can study in a different country. in many cases you can complete GE courses as well as courses for your major(s).

    Additionally the chances of you being able to have loans/grants pay for your time in a different country is high - it depends on your school.

    Go ask your academic counselor at your college or simply go to the Study Abroad or EAP (education abroad program - the name depends on the school) office at your school. They should be able to help you.

    Again, as someone who has done this before. There is no better time to go to a different country (and study AND have fun at the same time) than college. This is truely a once in a lifetime chance.

  3. im 25 ive never been abroad

    if u wanna go, go for school term times, u can usually rent an 8 bed villa for around £100-300 a week and flights can be as little as £40 return, (in spain, thats where ive been looking) so if u get 7mates together then itll be really cheep to go.

  4. where are you from.

    i was born and bred in england.  moved around in the country but that was as far as i got.  i went to Kos when i was 19 with a few girls.  they travelled all their lafe and they were the most boring companions.  i wanted to explore the island and all they did was sit in the beach.  so as far as i was concerned they had no life and no culture.

    you have the oppportunity to go places with wide eyes and see everything.  dont worry about your age.  when you get older you will realise that it wasnt real life before 18!!! you are an adult now so you wil appreciate the finer things.

    but if you are worried, go somewhere, its a lot cheaper to travel now, and if you in the uk then its cheaper to go abroad then stay at home.

    happy travelling :)

  5. Its not a problem! You've still got lots of time to go places!

    I know what you mean about other people who travel though. I've never understood the extra mistique and respect that people seem to earn just because they bought a plane ticket and went to see a pyramid. Its as if they are in some way more developed or have achieved something wonderful when all they have done is got on a train or plane. I get it all the time at my work. Frustrating!

  6. i think it makes you more interesting - Everyone I know has been abroad at some point and they all compete to tell you have well they have travelled.

    Be comfortable in the fact you haven't gone anywhere - it is a bit more mysterious.  In the days of easy overseas travel, you are shunning the crowd .. cool.

  7. That's not a problem at all, but once you start going abroad you'll have the time of your life.

  8. It's not a problem at all.  Some people travel, some don't.  My family never traveled unless it was to visit family.  Money was tight and there were more important priorities.  I started traveling within the country when I was 18.  And I didn't start traveling abroad until about 5 years ago.  Travel is great, and I recommend people do it as much as possible.  But you have other things that are important to you right now, and you're young - you have plenty of time to travel later.

  9. Don't listen to people.  You are a wise girl and appears to be very responsible.  There is no point in wasting money when you are just managing on a day to day basis.  sooner or later you will get a good job and your employer may pay for your travelling on business trips.

    Don't worry and find new friends who have something in common with you.

    Good luck.

  10. for who?

  11. I was thirty two when I first went abroad. The older you get and with luck the more money you earn and this will enable you to get away. Don't get hung up on it, my neighbour only had his first foreign holiday this year and he's forty six. I don't see myself as being above anybody who has not been abroad and that's how the majority of people feel so no worries and one day you will get away.

  12. MOST 18 yr olds have not travelled internationally.  That is a luxury.  As you get older, save your money and you may be able to begin travelling...but other needs certainly come first.  MANY people do not travel til their children are grown or they are retired...due to financial reasons.  If you are able to travel while you are young, that is great, but it should not be an expectation.  People who like to brag about travelling and belittle you are simply hard up for something to brag about...they have no actually accomplishments...just rich parents.  Ignore them.

  13. there aint nothing wrong with not being out the country. id be the same if it wasnt for the fact my dad was in the army. you are still young so theres plenty time to go abroad. if it bothers u that much set a holiday date for urself and stick a few quid away a week for it. then in say a years time u will have the cash and just need to book a flight and hotel. ask a friend if they are up for it.


  15. Thts not a problem..but you have missed out alot. Theres some beautiful countries and you have your whole life ahead of you just experience them as soon as you can!

    You'l have a great time! :)

  16. I know plenty of people your age and older who have never left the country.  Some people just don't have the same opportunities as others, and that's not your fault.  Someday you will get to travel!

  17. tHOSE sad gits are probably in Benidorm and Torremelenos or how ever you spell it?? DONT be feeling belittled by these idiots tell them you once went to blackpool on a sunny day and you have tasted where they are!!! Be yourself no matter what they say STING...I certainly do. I first went abroad at 24 (Ibiza)

    Stick with your guns hun!!!

  18. That's no problem at all, i'm 30 and never been abroad..................(I'm planning to though)

  19. Of course it not a problem if you haven't been abroad. Many people have not been abroad, and you couldn't help that you haven't had much disposable cash.

    Nowdays you can pick up some cheap deals. It would cost only £200 for a 3 day break to berlin (Well it cost that two nights ago when i checked, its on the 15-17th august if your interested. Thomas cook flying with ryanair from EMA to SXF staying at the holiday inn in prizlauer allee. Which isn't bad because the hotel is 4 stars)

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