
I am 18 is it illigal to transport alcohol in my checked baggage from a country were it is legal to buy???

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I am flying from out of the country, to florida. It is legal to buy here for my age. If so how much is permitted??? I would put it in my check luggage. And I know its illegal to drink in the States but if I were bringing it as a gift. I believe you are allowed to transport alcohol in Florida if you are atleast 18.




  1. You can try, the worst they will do, IF they find it at customs is take it away.  and chances are unlikely (50-50) that they even check.  I think the max allowed to bring home is 2 bottles.

    If anyone asks, tell them it is a gift for your parents.  

    chances are you will be fine.  just don´t try to bring home more than 2 bottles.

  2. Micah, the thing to do is to buy it at the duty-free shop at the airport. They take your money, and put it on the flight for you as checked baggage, and you claim it on arrival in the US.



  3. no its not illegal, but depnds on the airline, they wouldnt let my dad carry a small bottle of wine that my grandpop made, so idk they would let an 18 yr. old whos not even allowed to drink yet (in USA)

  4. you should read this:

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