
I am 18 years old boy. but i has not meesai ( hair between mouth and nose ) when i got it?

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I am 18 years old boy. but i has not meesai ( hair between mouth and nose ) when i got it?




  1. No need to worry, you mean moustache and many men do not develop this hair until beyond the age of twenty.

  2. im not sure i understand? You are 18 and dont have a mustache? Dont worry about it, there is lots of girl out there that dont like mustaches, i dont. some facial hair is ok, but not a plain ol' mustache.

  3. First why is this in toddler and preschooler? Second, its a mustache.  I think you might want to worry about correct English before you worry about a mustache.

  4. i'm not sure what you mean. . . but good luck with it anyway.

  5. you kidding me?!?!?!

  6. man you poor kid....ur never going to get laid.

  7. What?????

  8. another fine example of why its not a good idea to raise your children near a nuclear waste disposal plant!

  9. Mustache is the correct name for it... and when I was 18, I didn't have a mustache either. I didn't even want one. I was able to grow some pretty gnarly sideburns though. Now that I'm 23, I have the ability to grow the hair between my nose and my lip, but it just looks goofy, so I have a beard with no mustache. The only time a mustache would look good by itself, is with a nice pair of aviator sunglasses and a police uniform. Other than that, stay away from it and consider yourself extremely blessed that you don't have to shave often... because when you finally grow the facial hair, you will learn to hate the task of shaving.

  10. he he u are so funny

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